Mistakes that get in the way of your spiritual journey

Before we talk about the mistakes that get in the way of your spiritual journey, we need to understand what spirituality is. Much is said about this topic, with some misinterpretations and many others focused on its more superficial side.

Spirituality is the search of the human being for his divine essence, each step and action that aims to connect with the universe, with the creative energy, with gods or God, will depend on the path that the soul chose to follow to access its light.

All paths are equally valid, and it is not up to anyone to judge, there is no right or wrong, but the choice and spiritual connection of each individual.

We should not confuse religiosity with spirituality, as they differ in their main objective, while religiosity seeks to interpret history through sacred books, and because there are many, each in its own way. Spirituality is universal and embraces everyone and everything, without distinction.

In turn, the spiritual journey is also unique, surrounded by challenges and choices. The individual who begins his spiritual journey needs to be clear that this is a journey in which the journey matters much more than the destination itself.

Sometimes, in this search for the divine, we make mistakes and, instead of accessing our light, we end up moving away from our spirituality, which can generate frustration and a feeling of not belonging.

Simple mistakes, often made with the intention of getting it right, but that, with presence and intention, can be avoided. See below the main mistakes that get in the way of your spiritual journey:

1 – Believing that you have evolved enough and more than others:

It's normal for our ego to come out and try to boycott our spiritual achievements, and we end up doing it automatically. Judging the people around us, who haven't moved and haven't yet accessed their lights. We call ourselves “better and more evolved”, when, in fact, this makes us even more flawed than when we hadn't started our spiritual journey. Pay attention, your journey is yours, and humility must always be present.

2 – Be in a hurry and aim for quick results:

Our humanity speaks louder, and petty feelings can surface. The rush for results and a transformed life; we want to reap worldly fruit from our spiritual efforts, and we get angry when we don't. We need to always remember that we are here to evolve; it's about the path, there are no awards and medals on the way. Your spiritual journey will take your entire existence, not just a few months or years.

3 – Forgetting the physical experience and privileges of earthly life:

Another very common mistake in individuals starting their spiritual journey. We forget that we are still incarnated souls and that we are just starting our healing, still in life, so we must continue living. Holding on and forcing a divine connection ahead of time, giving up living and enjoying earthly life, as if it were less worthy now that we understand spirituality. Feel life pulsating through your body, embrace the privileges of being human, you will have all eternity to live as a being of light.

4 – Giving up in the middle of the process and thinking that spirituality is not for you:

Spirituality is a challenging path with no finish line. On this path, many individuals can come to doubt themselves, believing that it is not for them, or worse, that they do not deserve it, and that their lives will continue in the same way forever. Accessing your light, connecting with the divine, is for everyone, after all, we all came and we are light.
Despite the difficulties, remember that your value is priceless. Persist, enjoy your journey and enjoy life and spirituality together.

5 – Being selfish and not sharing your experience with other individuals:

Sharing is different from judging and pointing out your truth as the only one. Sharing is sharing your pain, achievements, learning and inspiring the other, through love and empathy. It may happen that the individual, unconsciously or not, wants to keep his experiences to himself, out of selfishness and fear of trivializing his evolution. Be natural, let your evolution touch other people. Sometimes, a sentence, a learning from you, is the spark that person needed to start their process of turning on their light.

In addition to the above mistakes, we cannot forget the main one, which most hinders your spiritual journey:

Mistakes that get in the way of your spiritual journey
Just dance / Shutterstock

6 – Forgetting that the spiritual journey needs love and forgiveness:

Love and forgiveness, without these two feelings that drive actions, your spiritual journey will be flawed and shallow. We need to connect with our inexhaustible source of love, the divine, we must be aware that we are flawed and that we will make mistakes. Therefore, throughout our entire spiritual journey, we will work on our ability to forgive ourselves and forgive and love others. This must be our most important mission.

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You've come this far, and maybe you've noticed that you're making some mistakes. Don't feel bad or cultivate guilt within yourself. Understand that this is part of your journey. Daily you will be wrong and right, the important thing is not to forget that you are a being of light, full of love and that you will be able to live and share your spirituality with the whole and with everyone around you, just believe, act and persist .

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