What does a short haircut say about a woman's personality?

Currently, the short haircut is gaining more strength among women. But why does this happen? There are many reasons why this happens. Some get low self-esteem and want to boost it, some want to show who they really are, others end up getting sick and need to cut it, and some want to try something new for themselves. And why deprive yourself, right?

Initially, there is a bit of insecurity, as making such a radical change is a bit of a challenge. We are a little stunted when we talk about change. Changes hurt, they take us out of our comfort zone. I often say that it's like sailing on the high seas without knowing where you're going. And that's okay too!

Cutting the hair takes us to completely different paths, among them the freedom that exists. A beautiful woman is one who feels good about her hair and body. It is necessary to remove all that standard imposed by society that only women with long hair are beautiful. A woman can be whoever she wants and have the hair she wants. When you cut your hair, you show the world who you really are.

Do you still have doubts about cutting your hair? Have no more doubts. You're too amazing not to take a chance! A woman with short hair always draws attention wherever she goes, shows how much a woman can be a deity, a huge force, and breaks the standards. She is admirable, has the sensitivity to look and the firmness to smile.

What does a short haircut say about a woman's personality?
Image of taufik apux by Pixabay

Short hair by Cristina Cairo

Cristina Cairo is an expert body language researcher, who talks a lot about the issue of short hair in women. She says that when women cut their hair, they feel more powerful, more self-possessed, more independent and braver.

As Cristina says, short hair makes women more and more decisive, more practical and who don't accept less than they deserve. Cristina also has the following statement: “Whoever faces the scissors shows that they no longer have the patience for the typical games of conquest.”

And finally, Cristina brings the list of types of faces and types of cuts. “It is necessary to evaluate the type of face of the woman, and to take into account her routine so that the short cut does not become a problem, but an ally. Most people think short hair is less work than long hair, but that's not true. To keep the short flawless, you need technique, products and maintenance.” It is important for every woman to realize what kind of hair she wants to have. There are several types of haircuts and there will always be one type for you: the one you want.

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However, it is always important to remember that a woman has the hair she wants, we can never forget that. But when a woman has the courage to face the scissors and demystify this very strong cultural issue, which has existed for many years - that a woman is only a woman when she has long hair -, she becomes a free woman, she becomes another type. of woman. When a woman discovers that her strength is not in her hair but in her, she certainly goes much further than she thought she would one day. Cutting your hair is overcoming yourself, it's releasing who you truly are!

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