What do you need to know about homeopathy for children?

What do you need to know about homeopathy for children?

How it works?

Homeopathy has as its principle similia similibus curantur (like by like is cured), which indicates that the treatment takes place from the dilution and dynamization of the same substance that produces the symptom in a healthy individual. Allopathy usually takes care of diseases, while homeopathy treats the patient. Therefore, hardly a remedy will serve two different people with the same problems. Ideally, you should always look for a specialist doctor and make an individualized consultation so that he can prepare an exclusive medicine according to your needs.


Many still dispute the effectiveness of homeopathy, but several scientific studies attest to its effectiveness., in addition to many patients, by becoming adepts of homeopathy, becoming staunch supporters of this practice. Today homeopathy is even recognized by the Spanish Medical Association and the Federal Council of Medicine.

Pharmaceutical products

Medications can be administered through alcoholic solution, sugary white blood cells or in cream and ointment, depending on the doctor's prescription.. The option of being treated exclusively homeopathic or together with some allopathic remedies will be made from the decision of the doctor together with the patient, or in this case, the patient's parents.

Side Dishes

As with allopathic treatment, homeopathy also requires periodic consultations to monitor the child. In the case of homeopathy, as many remedies are used for extended periods, this monitoring is even more necessary. Homeopathy is able to treat symptoms seen as commonplace by allopathy, such as nervousness, anxiety or even compulsion for sweets. Therefore, periodic visits will be necessary.

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First aid

Self-medication should be avoided to the extreme by everyone, especially children.. However, basic medicines for a first aid kit in case of emergencies, travel or in any circumstances where contact with the doctor is not possible, can be assembled according to the doctor's indication during consultation.

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