What color to wear for New Year's Eve?

With white color there is no mistake, black color is better to avoid. How many times have you had this thought when choosing the outfit you would wear for the New Year? According to tradition, all people should dress in white, to encourage renewal and peace. On the other hand, any element in black could refer to a funereal air, of bad vibes. Is all this true?

We often get carried away by custom and forget to analyze the real meaning that colors can have in our lives, not only in the New Year, but also during every month. Chromotherapy, for example, is a form of treatment for diseases and imbalances that evaluates the impact of each color on our bodies, studying how they change our energies.

Therefore, each color emits a vibration, which can bring peace, tranquility, love, professional success, transformation, health and energy. As the New Year is the best time to set goals and what we want for the next cycle, dictating how the new 12 months will be, we must find the colors that best suit what we want to emanate on this journey.

From this, it is possible to understand that there are no good or bad colors, but that each one serves different purposes. In the New Year, in this way, you can choose the color that stimulates the energies you want to attract in the next 12 months, understanding that the right color for you will not always be the right color for other people. Leave the rules in the past!

How to choose the color for the turn of the year?

The first step in choosing the color you are going to wear for your New Year is not analyzing the meaning of each of the colors or the vibrations they emanate. In fact, you should analyze your life carefully and patiently. The process is simpler than you think! See how to do it:

Grab a paper and pen or use your cell phone. Create 12 different topics, which correspond to each month of the year that is ending. Reflect on what you have achieved on these occasions and what you would like to have achieved. This way, you will nurture feelings of gratitude for what you've been through, in addition to starting to define your goals.

If in most months you would like to have achieved something specific, such as professional success, a stable love life, more energy for everyday activities, greater contact with your spirituality, among others, define this factor as your goal for the next year.

Once you understand what you need for the cycle that will start soon, learn what color will be able to emanate this type of energy in your life! You can include it in your clothes, in your accessories, in your home decor or in the food you eat. Do what your imagination allows!

Meaning of colors for the New Year

What color to wear for New Year's Eve?
Andreas Fickl / Pexels

1) Pink

The color pink is very much associated with love and romantic relationships, as it is a delicate color, but it is also important for stimulating communication and effectiveness. That way, conversations and problem solving will become more sincere and smoother, without resulting in disagreements. So, if your goal is to avoid unnecessary conflicts and encourage dialogue, patience, understanding and affection, bet on this color!

2) Red

If you imagined that the color red had the potential to bring more passion into your life, your idea is not completely wrong. However, you may be misinterpreting the meaning of passion. The color red brings more energy and movement, making people act passionately in everything they do. So, if you want to get projects off the ground and put more effort into your activities, red is your color!

3) Orange

The color orange can always be combined with the color red, because it encourages decision-making, daring and courage. These concepts will be best applied if they are linked to the energy and movement of the color red, but this is not an imposition. If you want to reach new horizons or if you need to make decisions that will change your life, orange on the turn!

4) Yellow

Who never used the color yellow to attract money the following year, even if it was in an underwear? While this tone is associated with wealth, it is much more than that. Yellow encourages concentration and focus, being ideal for people who need to put more effort into their projects, their studies or their jobs. To reach your goals with determination, trust yellow!

5) brown

Brown may not be the color of choice for the New Year, but it is a powerful color. The energy she vibrates is that of stability and the realization of dreams, so if that's what you're looking for, it's time to incorporate brown into your look! Those dreams that aren't working out and those relationships that come and go can do very well if you know what energies you need to attract in this new period.

6) Green

Is green hope? Health? Neither! In the New Year, the color green encourages balance and harmony for the coming months. These two concepts can be applied to the body, in the sense of having a more balanced health, but they can also act in interpersonal relationships, harmonizing those who live together or who live together frequently. Use the power of green to have more well-being!

You may also like

  • Understand what colors can change in your life
  • The psychological meaning of colors in humans
  • Understand the use of colors for healing, with Chromotherapy
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7) Blue

In a period of change, it can be difficult to calm down and act calmly, especially if you have a stressful or hectic routine. In this case, the best color for the New Year is blue. With it, the calm will be stimulated for the whole year, ensuring that you will have your head in place when facing everyday life and making the right decisions.

8) Purple

Purple is the color that can help you in your self-knowledge process for the year ahead. If you feel like you need to better connect with your essence, if you have the feeling that your spirituality needs to be better developed or if you want to get in touch with your interiority, purple will stimulate the transformation you so desperately need.

9) golden

Gold, the color of gold, is a relatively common bet for the New Year, but many choose it more for its beauty and less for its meaning. Gold is responsible for stimulating inner wisdom and knowledge, allowing you to understand more about yourself and others. Thus, your interpersonal relationships will receive extra help, with the possibility of paying more attention to those around you.

10) silver

If you need innovation and modernity in the new year, silver is the most suitable color for your New Year. From it, it is possible to stimulate innovation, quality and success, essential issues for those who want a new life in the next 12 months. Silver can be present in accessories if you don't have a piece of clothing that is that color!

11) White

Preserving tradition, white is one of the most preferred colors for the New Year. It really encourages peace, purity and calm, making your year start off on the right foot. If you want to renew your energies and start from scratch in this new cycle, be sure that white is the best choice for the occasion.

12) Therefore

Many people believe that black is a color that should be avoided in the New Year, but the truth is that this shade is responsible for bringing more independence and strength to those who bet on it. If you need to free yourself from ties and situations that limit you, black can help you in this drastic transformation. Feel the power of color to feel better in the next cycle!

Knowing the type of energy that each color emanates, the best you can do is analyze the one that best matches your desires and your personality. Take advantage of your New Year to innovate, to improve the energies of the year ahead and to make a positive change in your life, using the right color for you!

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