Observer of yes!

    Observer of yes!

    Be an observer of yourself! They say that observant people are very intelligent, and vice versa: intelligent people are naturally observant. In fact, when we observe and identify aspects of something observed, we come to understand it better. And this also happens when we observe ourselves. From the observation of physical discomfort or pain, such as emotional, mental, or spiritual discomfort.

    If we are attentive to ourselves, we can identify difficulties or problems and better solve them. If we are attentive to our desires and dreams, in the same way, the chance of realizing them increases.

    Like this? Is it only by becoming observers of ourselves that we can solve problems or fulfill our dreams? Exactly, that's almost it.

    Self-observation will necessarily be the first step towards acting more intelligently in our lives.

    The moment I observe myself and find that I am not doing well in some aspect or in relation to several aspects, I can do something to improve. Now, if I can even identify that, doing something about it will be difficult.

    In the same way, if I know what my ambitions, my dreams, my joys are, at least I can do something to move in that direction. Otherwise, I won't even know which direction to take.

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    So perhaps one of the smartest ways to deal with our lives is to become observers of ourselves. How am I feeling today? What are my concerns? What are my joys? What are my pains? Am I in any physical pain? Or is it emotional pain?

    Become aware of yourself and your happiness and walk towards it! Be a self-observer and believe more and more in yourself and your accomplishments. Enjoy life, enjoy this experience and make each day an experience to be observed. Be a scientist of your own experiments and always seek your best and smartest results!

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