What can we learn from Brené Brown about vulnerability?

How do you deal with your vulnerability? In a society that teaches us that we need to demonstrate strength and power all the time, it is difficult to have any positive thoughts about what would be the weak point of each one. Most of our days, we are afraid to show our shadows.

Despite this, there are other ways of looking at people's vulnerabilities. And Brené Brown became a reference by demonstrating a new way of interpreting this subject. For the writer, vulnerability is not a reason for shame or fear. In fact, it is something powerful that we have within us.

With the content we've prepared, keep learning about this different perspective on your insecurities. During this exercise, reflect on how you have been viewing this part of your being and what are the ways to embrace it rather than reject it. Make a revolution inside you!

Brené Brown and her journey through vulnerability

Cassandra Brené Brown was born in the United States in 1965. A graduate of the University of Texas and the University of Houston, she has always been interested in the investigation of shame. What causes this feeling in us? How do we deal with this feeling?

In the course of Brown's research, she discovered that there were two types of people: those who feel very confident about who they are and those who are always questioning their own worth. So the writer tried to unravel what is in the first group that is not in the second.

What can we learn from Brené Brown about vulnerability?
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In the process, Brown found that people who feel confident about themselves embrace their vulnerability. Instead of feeling ashamed or afraid of what they don't know yet, they take risks, improvise and deal better with life's unexpected situations.

From that, Brown, also a speaker and podcast host, understood that vulnerability is a strength, not a flaw. Therefore, we need to understand it as something natural and that needs to be valued, so that we feel more confident about ourselves.

To help us understand this new vision on the subject, Brené Brown wrote books such as “The Art of Imperfection”, “Stronger Than Ever”, “The Courage to Be Yourself” and “The Courage to Be Imperfect”. In addition, on Netflix there is a documentary by the researcher on vulnerability, called “Brené Brown: the Power of Courage”.

What does vulnerability mean?

Brené Brown says vulnerability is something positive within us, but what does that mean? What does this trait reveal about a person? To think about this question, start by reflecting on situations in which you feel vulnerable.

In general, we feel vulnerable when we have to deal with something that is out of our control. We don't know what the exact result of our actions will be, we are afraid of how the other person will react to what we need to say or do, and we are filled with shame at others' judgment of us.

That is, vulnerability is associated with uncertainty and fear, causing a person to feel anxious, insecure and ashamed. Still, it can be defined as the “willingness to do something for which there are no guarantees”, as he explained. Brown em “The Power of Vulnerability”, in his 2010 TED Talk.

Unfortunately, as a consequence of the negative effects that vulnerability usually causes, many people avoid situations that could generate these feelings, running away from sincere conversations, refusing new opportunities for growth and staying in their comfort zone. But that's not the only way to feel vulnerability.

The power of vulnerability

According to Brené Brown, vulnerability is the gauge of a person's courage. It shows how willing she is to surrender to the unpredictable, to take risks without knowing what the outcome will be. So this trait is not a weakness or something we should blame ourselves and others for.

In addition to this trait being a foundation for our courage, embracing our own vulnerability is what helps us create true connections with other people. This is because we are not going to act according to what is expected of us, or afraid of the opinion of others, but according to who we really are.

What can we learn from Brené Brown about vulnerability?
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Based on this interpretation, we recognize that the power of vulnerability is the ability to expose ourselves, both to different situations and to others, recognizing our imperfections with frankness and authenticity, letting go of the idea that our uncertainties weaken us.

For Brown, when a person shows vulnerability, lowering the armor, it is that he is able to take advantage of life's opportunities, surrender to his own feelings, let go of the need for excessive control and develop confidence in ourselves. After all, taking risks is transformative.

Brené Brown's Lessons on Vulnerability

After learning how the concept of vulnerability can be seen positively in your life, check out Brené Brown's other lessons on this topic.

1) You are not alone

What can we learn from Brené Brown about vulnerability?
Maël BALLAND from Pexels / Canva

Sometimes you may feel that you alone are afraid of embarrassment and the judgment of others. However, you are not alone. In the society we live in, which is so critical and excluding, everyone finds it difficult to demonstrate their vulnerability. So, if you feel this insecurity, talk to someone you trust about it.

2) Abandon the fear of making mistakes

To embrace your vulnerability, you must let go of the fear of failure. Know that surrendering to the unexpected can bring consequences that you don't imagine, and that you may not be able to handle them so well. Despite this, they are an opportunity to learn and evolve. And if you get criticism, be proud that you're struggling and trying.

3) Recognize that you will suffer

There is no way to guarantee that your vulnerability will only bring you good times. Instead, you are likely to experience suffering and frustration in many situations as you are venturing into what cannot be controlled. However, it is essential that you know how to deal with these unpleasant moments, recognizing that you can also experience good surprises.

4) Enjoy even the simplest moments

What can we learn from Brené Brown about vulnerability?
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It is common to wait for a unique and unforgettable moment in your life and fight for it. You can do this, as long as you remember to enjoy the simplest everyday situations, like being next to someone you love, achieving a small achievement or even laughing at some silly thing. These are the moments that will strengthen you on difficult days.

5) Encourage vulnerability at work

In the workplace, it's even more difficult to own up to one's vulnerability. This is because we believe that a good employee is one who never makes mistakes, who plans every step and who does not take risks. So, if you want to bring about a change in society, start acting with vulnerability to show the benefits of this practice, even when you are working.

6) Build your vulnerability little by little

Vulnerability, like trust, is not something that starts overnight. To build it, you must start to let your guard down, worry less about other people's opinions, and discover your essence. Even if this process takes a while, rest assured that you are making progress each day.

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After reading Brené Brown's interpretation of vulnerability, you already know what to do to awaken a more honest and light part of your being. Practice the tips we pass on to increase your confidence, build true relationships and be more and more you. Be vulnerable, fearless!

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