Reflection for a New Father's Day

This article is to celebrate the father who lives in you! Father's Day 2020 will be different. The pandemic and the entire global collapse that it has brought has profoundly changed not only our daily lives and physical health, but our Inner Self as well. Many revelations of our lights and shadows came to light and it took courage to recognize that we are much more than the five senses of materialistic vision.

So, dear dad, it's up to you not only to be the "best father in the world" for your child(ren), but to be the best person for yourself and consequently for others.

Current events are just a sample of the vibrational changes that planet Earth and its inhabitants are going through. It is not the “end of the world” that will end in water or fire, but the change in behavior. We are moving from egoic thinking to sharing thinking, no longer just understanding with the logical mind and starting to feel with the heart. Leaving “normal” for a “new natural”.

Be careful not to embark on this "new normal", otherwise you will never leave the materialistic cycle that ended human life.

Reflection for a New Father's Day
Zach Vessels/Unsplash

So, from now on, try to be a better person, awakening your latent qualities through feeling and being natural. It won't belittle you as a man or make you lose your authority.

Feeling comes from the soul, from our deepest self. It's that joy of being alive and wanting to share that energy. It is the desire to serve and be useful without any interest. It is to fulfill your mission in a natural and altruistic way. By taking this step, you will feel stronger, creating a strong bond with your child(ren). You will have respect and admiration through retribution in love and gratitude.

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Did you feel emotion reading this step by step? If so, congratulations, Dad! You are doing your numbers and adapting to the new reality. If you didn't feel it, don't worry, reflect on what attachment you still have and move to free yourself from the toxicities of egoic relationships.

Be you first and then be the best father in the world!

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