What are the Ho'oponopono phrases?

Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian technique that promotes forgiveness and reconciliation. In their native language, “Ho'o” means “healing”, and “ponopono” means “straightening, fixing”, that is, the junction and translation of both words means “to correct a mistake” or “to fix a problem”. mistake".

The focus of this practice is to resolve painful issues from a past that is still present in a person's heart, mind and spirit, so that they can achieve a state of peace. The ancient Hawaiians claim that the origin of a mistake is fixed in thoughts riddled with painful memories or traumas that have left marks.

Freud stated in “The Theory of the Unconscious” that people are governed by the unconscious most of the time – and it is in the unconscious that our memories are present. From this information, we can understand that basically all of our attitudes and decisions are made by major influences from milestones in our past. With that, the Hawaiian technique of Ho'oponopono emerged so that we can release all the negative energy of evil thoughts and remove all the mistakes of the past that commonly hurt us and affect our balance.

What are the Ho'oponopono phrases?
Benjamin Balazs / Pixabay

The focus of Ho'oponopono is to help human beings to realize that all problems are memories that repeat themselves from a pattern of the unconscious and that, with this realization, each individual can free themselves from these bonds.

What are the benefits of Ho'oponopono?

Practicing Ho'oponopono means that you will heal your mind of all patterns of behavior provided by past wounds. The repetition of the phrases that are part of the technique provides an individual with understanding, acceptance, forgiveness and many other benefits about and for their own being. The practice still breaks mental obstacles, cleans the memories disconnected to the health of the body and makes our mind experience the happiness that we should experience today.

You may still ask yourself, “But what is the result of all this personal cleansing?” and we will answer you! From this internal healing, you will be able to fully connect with the Divine that exists within your own being, and thus it will be possible to have a full life, without any connection with the past.

What are the Ho'oponopono phrases and what do they mean?

The phrases of this technique are: "I'm sorry", "forgive me", "I love you" and "I am grateful". They serve to start the process of cleaning the dubious memories that imprison a person. Check out the meaning of each of them:

What are the Ho'oponopono phrases?
Christophe BILLARD / Pixabay

I'm sorry

By verbalizing this sentence, you take responsibility for your current situation and recognize that some past events have taken hold in your memory. The act of recognizing demonstrates that you are ready to change!

Forgive me

By asking for forgiveness, you automatically ask forgiveness from yourself and the great Creator, so that He will help you to let go of these recurring memories within you. Thus, you will be freed from these problems that hold you back!

Eu te amo

This phrase carries with it immense potency, because from the moment you release love, you allow it to return to your being. By saying “I love you”, you say that you love your memories and memories and are still grateful that you can release each of them and also release your traumatized intimate. Love has always been and always will be the best way of reconnecting with our interior, and it is he who manages to transform and recover the energy that was blocked until then.

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I'm grateful

Gratitude represents closing cycles and trusting the Creator, regardless of what He is for you. It is necessary to be grateful that the subconscious makes time to cleanse and heal all these bad memories.

How to practice Ho'oponopono?

It's very simple! You don't need a mentor or anyone's help. It is preferable that you are alone, at least for the first few days of practice. You can verbalize or mentalize the sentences. Connect with yourself, think about the memories of the past that left their mark on you, and verbalize or mentalize with intent the four sentences mentioned above. In each of them, you need to focus all your feeling so that your subconscious can release each of these traumas and memories that are repeated in your life. The power is in the intention and feeling you put in as you play the phrases.

What are the Ho'oponopono phrases?
Karin Henseler/Pixabay

If your name is Maria, verbalize: “Maria, I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful”. If you want to forgive someone, use that person's name before each sentence. It is worth emphasizing again: the power is in the intention that comes from your heart to free yourself!

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