What are the differences between character and personality?

Our Portuguese language is very rich, so we have an infinity of words and expressions. Many of them change meaning depending on the region we are in or even the social group we are in.

Words have long ceased to have just one meaning and have taken to the streets, reaching definitions that are very different from the official ones. We run the risk of using too many of them without realizing the context, whether it is favorable or whether the other person will understand exactly what we are trying to convey.

What are the differences between character and personality?

At other times we use as synonyms words that have different meanings, although they are close. It's about character and personality.

Personality, like character, is something that we build throughout our lives, based on what we are taught and what we experience throughout the days, according to the situations in which we are included.

However personality is defined as the sum of physical, emotional and psychic characteristics that each of us has. This is the case of shyness, eloquence, organizational capacity, need for affection and other things, according to each person.

What are the differences between character and personality?

Personality can be changeable and moldable according to where we are and the people we interact with. It is not uncommon, for example, for you to be someone more reserved and serious at work and someone much more uninhibited and playful when you are at home with family or with friends.

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Character, on the other hand, is the sum of characteristics and actions that we have within us, but which are immutable, because we cannot adapt them according to the environment we are in, unlike personality.

It is the character that shows us with the cleanest face, without any mask. It is a characteristic very linked to ethics and morals, mainly. It is the character that shows the quality of your nature as a person.

Character shows your ability to follow your values ​​and ideals and not become corrupted or make decisions that do not match who you truly are.

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