What apps to use to put New Year's resolutions into practice?

    The new year has arrived and a month has passed. At this point in the championship, did you try to put one of the promises made there in December into practice? If the answer is no, don't worry, there's still time. But don't forget that time passes and it's not worth arriving in December frustrated for not having been able to achieve all those goals.

    But if you want some help, here are some apps that are great companions to help you put your goals into practice. How about counting on the help of technology at this time? After all, anything goes, right? Get to know some apps to put your New Year's resolutions into practice!

    What apps to use to put New Year's resolutions into practice?

    important apps

    We are going to present some apps aimed at all segments of your life. But pay attention: it's not worth putting the blame on the apps if you can't meet the goals. They are not miraculous and will just help you organize your day-to-day tasks.

    Healthier life: this is increasingly one of the promises of many people: Take care of health. If that's one of your goals, you can download the My Fitness Pal app, available for Android and iPhone. It's an excellent application, because in it you can record the physical activities you are going to perform, you can also follow your progress, consult healthy recipe options and much more. Another app is Medida Certa. It is capable of developing specific workouts for each user.

    Save money: in times of crisis, this promise seems to be common to many people. And it is no less. Nothing better than having peace of mind with your bank account. An application that will help you is GuiaBolso. In it you can see how you control your money and also how you can earn. The app is free and available for both iOS and Android.

    To improve your love life: you must have heard of many relationships that started on social networks or of couples who met through apps. One of these apps is Dateme. It is a social network dedicated to dating. You register your data and browse among the people closest to you. And, of course, if you're single, you can't miss the Tinder app, which will introduce you to people who are close to you so that they can become your potential partners.

    Organize your day to day: if your daily life is hectic, you can try the Any.do Cal app. It's very good because it has tasks with a calendar so you don't forget anything when you plan. Be sure to try it out!

    What did you think of these apps? How about downloading them? They can, in a way, organize your routine and make sure you can fulfill your tasks. Good luck!

    Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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