Creativity: Gift or Practice?

Many people are identified as naturally creative, conveying the idea that creativity is a characteristic acquired exclusively at birth. If a person has never taken a drawing course and knows how to draw realistically, for example, they say he has a gift for art.

We can compare the concept of creativity with the image we create about the people of Spain. The “jeitinho español”, translated as the ability to invent original solutions to everyday problems, would be developed from the context in which a person lives.

Does creativity arise at birth? Or does it develop from the context in which we are inserted? To understand where creativity comes from, how to use it and what we can get from it, check out each of the topics below!

What is creativity?

Creativity: Gift or Practice?

According to the dictionary, creativity is the “quality of the creative person, who has the capacity, intelligence and talent to create, invent or make innovations in the area in which he works; originality". Through creativity, we are able to express what we think and feel, find solutions to unexpected problems, develop projects in the work environment, create stories to entertain other people and look at ourselves in different ways.

In a less individualized sense, creativity is the ability to create. However, for Greek, Indian and Chinese philosophers, no person would be able to create something, only to reproduce, discover or imitate what already exists. The meaning of “create” emerged in the Judeo-Christian tradition, according to historian Daniel Boorstin, with the idea that God created the world. In that sense, only He would have this ability.

With the Renaissance, the historical movement that led to Humanism (people are the center of everything, not God), the concept of creativity underwent changes. From that moment, it was recognized that people have the ability to create objects, paintings, sculptures and the most varied productions.

This change of thinking remains to this day, with “creativity” being a characteristic that can be attributed to someone. But there are still discussions about the origin of this ability. Is it born with the individual or is it acquired throughout life? Is it a gift or a practice?

Creativity: Gift or Practice?

Creativity: Gift or Practice?
Nick Fewings/Unsplash

Would you say that a person is born knowing how to speak? Probably not, because we are aware that everything we do has been taught to us, from walking to communicating. Why would creativity be any different? A child may be able to create stories and invent situations from the stimuli he receives from family members and teachers, but he is not born with these skills.

Creativity is a subjective response by each of us to overcome challenges we face, and this can only be developed from experience. The more you put yourself in situations that don't present a simple solution or that require you to bring a fresh perspective, the greater your ability to think quickly and in an original way. Creativity is not a gift, but a practice that can be acquired through exercises and stimuli.

According to graphic design professor Brad Hokanson, from the University of Minnesota, in the United States, the challenge of solving a problem is directly responsible for improving our creativity. The fact that we have the feeling that a problem is impossible to solve prevents us from taking any action, blocking our mind in the search for an innovation. How to overcome this blockage?

Stimulate your creativity

The only way to become a creative person is to stimulate your creativity. Only then will you be able to quickly solve problems, persist when difficulties arise and innovate, whether in your life or work. Learn how to stimulate your creativity!

1) Challenge yourself constantly

Creativity: Gift or Practice?
Allef Vinicius/Unsplash

When you are faced with a difficult situation, try to resolve it before asking for help. Make mental maps evaluating the possibilities, risk taking even those attitudes you would never take. The important thing is that you make an effort to solve the problem, knowing that you are capable of doing it. If you can't come up with a result, take a deep breath, relax and try again later!

2) Interact with different people

Creativity: Gift or Practice?
Kate Kalvach/Unsplash

By interacting with different people, with whom we are not used to talking, we will get in touch with new perspectives on the world. Each person has a way of seeing reality, and getting to know them is the best way to expand our repertoire for times when we need to create something. Share your ideas with them and see what they think about each one!

3) Look for new references

Creativity: Gift or Practice?
And Dimmock/Unsplash

If you need to produce something innovative, you need to know everything that has already been done. Knowing the classics and getting in touch with what has already been produced can help you bring some freshness to the novelty that you will develop. Don't be afraid to look for sources of inspiration! If you create something new from them, your creativity will win!

4) Stay focused

Creativity: Gift or Practice?
Lilly Rum/Unsplash

Staying focused is essential when developing an idea or solving a problem. That way you'll be able to analyze different hypotheses in full, without having to revisit them all the time, as happens when countless distractions surround you. Stay away from your cell phone for a while and focus on taking action! Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because even mistakes will always have something to teach.

5) Learn to listen to criticism

Creativity: Gift or Practice?
Kate Kalvach/Unsplash

You know when you've produced something you're proud of and then someone criticizes some aspect of it? As discouraging as this situation is, it should be understood as an opportunity to innovate and go beyond what has been produced previously. Listen to criticism and understand that it is part of your personal growth. Create from what you need to change and be surprised by the result!

Use your creativity

Creativity: Gift or Practice?
Daria Tumanova/Unsplash

Once you stimulate your creativity, you will find, over time, that you will become a more creative person. This process will take your whole life, because there is always more to learn, but the results will always be satisfying.

Once your creativity is developing, you will be able to solve challenges more quickly, to plan innovative gifts, to design travel itineraries that are different from the conventional ones, to try new flavors in cuisine and to meet people who are very different from you. .

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Use your creativity to be a more communicative, more innovative person who, when you don't know what to do, looks for a solution quickly. Remember that no problem is too big for you and that each challenge allows you to be even better than you were before them.

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