Welcoming without judgment

I always like to start from the premise that I contribute to the evolution of the planet when I am well, when I take care of myself and nourish myself with good and positive attitudes.

I like to think that it is my responsibility and mine alone to cleanse myself and keep my soul clean and renewed. This is my commitment: to always take care of myself.

For this I must welcome myself without judgment and be present at all times honoring the emotions that arise and giving space for them to be what they are, to be expressed freely, knowing that there is nothing bad or good about being what you are.

When I judge, my ego comes out and I want to call attention to my pain and tell everyone β€œlook, I'm suffering, I'm bleeding, and you have to help me, you have to understand me and then we start a cycle which goes to victimism, irritation and deep down that was not quite what I would like to convey.

Welcoming without judgment

I always think that when someone is suffering or doing something that catches our attention regardless of the reason we should welcome that person because that person is our reflection, he is telling us something that we consciously don't realize. At all times we must focus on ourselves, on our feelings and welcome everything that is there with open arms, so that everything that is hidden finds a way out. Let's make a trail so that these emotions, pains, joys can appear.

Embrace your anger, your frustration, your envy, your betrayal or your disappointment, you are none of those, you just went through these experiences and you don't need to identify with it. Welcome, honor and let go; at that moment non-judgment enters, allowing things to follow their flow without stopping, without accumulating in our soul. All things are free to go, and you are free to feel, to experience. You don't have to cling to anything, there was no mistake, there was learning, and you are grateful for that and allow yourself to be led by the movement and let it flow. Have love in accepting these feelings, which are often labeled as incorrect, inappropriate, indecent. Realize that you were not aware of this and its consequences, and, like a caring mother who welcomes and understands her young child for having made a mistake, without screaming and without moralism, just hug him and say it's okay, you learned another one. way of doing things, has found a way and now knows where to go.

Welcoming without judgment
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If you have to cry, cry, if you have to scream, scream. If you have to apologize, ask, first of all, for not realizing this emotion, and thank you, because it is taking you to another level, always. See the beauty of letting go and not holding on.

Let's practice this thought, this attitude so that more and more people can express themselves without barriers, and that we can give them our warmth, not because their pain is more important than ours, and vice versa, but because it is a pain to be expressed and it must be honored so that it can move freely through us. When I don't judge, I feel free to be what I am, when I'm not judged, I realize my value and keep my focus on being present and radiating all the good in me. I nurture joy and well-being, because that's what I want to give to the world.

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