We will be happy!

    Doing good to others makes us feel just as good, whether with small gestures of kindness, words of affection, moments of attention, among many other ways. When we dedicate a little bit of our day to someone else, it returns to us in good energy, which makes us lighter and happier.

    All our actions have direct consequences on ourselves, so it is important that we cultivate good feelings. In this way, it will be repaid to us. However, we should not act only thinking about the positive reward it will bring us.

    Happiness is contagious, being in a good mood and having positive energy motivates people. Share laughter, convey joy, be an agent of good, this will help to find harmony in relationships, in the environment and, of course, with yourself.

    We will be happy!

    Nobody pleases everyone, that's a fact, but it's nice that we try, at least as far as possible, to contribute to the cultivation of general well-being. Always show the love and affection you feel for others; know how to praise. There is no secret to being happy, but we separate some tips to awaken joy:

    – Smile: Laughter is contagious

    – Help: doing good makes us feel good

    – Call: always, sometimes; just to chat, to know how the person is

    – Affection: show, give

    – Praise: Give compliments, nice things, fun outings

    – Cook: a special dinner, a delicious cake, a sweetie

    – Worry: Find out about the other, be interested in their things

    – Trust: share and listen to secrets, desires and fears

    – Avoid: intrigue, gossip and arguments

    – Thank you: everything

    – Support: offer support in good times and especially in difficult ones

    – Sincerity: with everything and everyone

    – Cultivate: good friends, good times and good energies

    – Embrace: ideas, dreams and friends

    – Take care of: people and feelings

    • Written by Carolina Peixoto from Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.
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