Reflections on benevolence

Be good in the worst moments of your life. When we imagine a scenario of prosperity, in which individuals have good artifices for life, both in terms of resources and relationships, we consequently idealize the absence of political differences, illnesses, social disagreements or environmental catastrophes. Therefore, it could be easy to say that the citizens of this place – or a large part of it – live fully happy, acting in a right way with their compatriots in an enveloping resound of empathy and compassion.

However, suppose a major disaster afflicts these lands, turning fertile fields into lifeless zones, bringing a shortage of basic items for survival, and turning the stability of civilized people into widespread despair. Turning our attention again to the inhabitants – or survivors – we would, in fact, notice the change in the civility of some in the face of the crisis.

Reflections on benevolence

Having good behavior during a peaceful regime may not reflect the true essence of a human being, specifically. At this point, it is worth quoting the Chinese philosopher and thinker Confucius: β€œAct before you speak, and therefore speak according to your deeds”. Analogous statements and teachings are the fruit of his contribution on personal and governmental morality in the XNUMXth century. V aC

There is, then, great importance in highlighting the trials in the process of self-knowledge and knowledge of the other. The symbology of the desert in biblical texts illustrates, for example, the challenges to which man must be submitted in order to sustain attitudes consistent with his faith. In this way, requirements are presented that are eventually indispensable for the elevation of the subject himself, who will sovereignly depose his past.

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The perpetuation of values ​​to face challenges, as well as attention to the present moment, underpin the recognition of critical stages for growth. Therefore, neglecting, cursing, avoiding or not taking responsibility during these periods can show weaknesses and the identity of people in the most different occasions of life.

Reflections on benevolence
Unsplash/Anastasia Sklyar

Avoiding common sense and the status quo requires, necessarily, the science of all the implications of the decision-making exercise for true interaction with the infinite possibilities of an action. Indifference, on the other hand, leads to following orders without question, which once corrupted, enslaved and destroyed.

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