We are one

Many, many meditations, yoga practices, courses in spiritual techniques, videos, readings of books and texts, including here on the website Eu sem Fronteiras, I came to the conclusion that I am important to the Universe, because one does not exist without the other! We are one!

Therefore, the importance of awakening Consciousness refers to recognizing this greatness and understanding the importance of the vibrational state. For it is the awakened ones who "sustain" the vibration of the planet, recognizing this Oneness and vibrating above Courage. (Hawkins scale).

We are one
Elly Fairytale / Pexels

That's why the importance of more people awakening to promote Planetary healing on a vibrational level, so that physical healing can happen. I understand, therefore, that some enlightened beings really support the functioning of the planet, but we have reached a stage where we need to raise our frequency and awaken as soon as possible, and seek self-knowledge, to promote this healing, Nature is screaming this awakening! And we are nature, so what we are doing to our planet is reflecting on us! Natural Laws are being distorted, as most find themselves asleep and not recognizing Oneness, thus vibrating at levels lower than Courage.

I had this awakening of conscience when I was subjected to knowing myself, when I really had to stay with myself and learn to like myself, because after all I am the only thing I have, and everything external to me is a projection that I create, in that I discovered the meaning of free will, karma, about understanding that there is no right and wrong, heaven and hell, god and devil, sin… Just situations that occur due to vibrational change.

So, even though I was born with a pre-programmed memory (karma…), I can reprogram these programs, through methods and disciplines that raise the vibration to higher levels.

Example: love and joy are vibrational states, and I found it very interesting that the state of joy is on a level above love. I observed in experience that being joyful comes closer to the state of peace faster than love, because there is a solitude in joy, in fact it seems to be a state of "Grace" for feeling happy regardless of external situations.

Through vibrational elevation, we stop externalizing Universal Power, attributing All Power within ourselves, understanding that there is no god far from us, because we are God! So there is no sense for religions or any kind of separation from the Whole. And that if I don't like something in life, it's because I'm vibrating at low frequencies, I'm not attuned to the Universal flow. We are antennas, so to feel happy again, just adjust the antenna! We receive what we send (Law of Return/Seeding).

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And in the sense of having faith and believing that we are supported by something greater, we really are supported! Supported by the Universe!

We are the Universe and we sustain it with our vibration. Without our joy of living, the Universe dies (God dies), for we “die”. Therefore, the meaning of “praising God”, having faith and giving thanks, is like the Universe needs joy to exist!

I exist because He sustains me, supports me, because He wanted and wants. Thank God!

It's like that phrase: "So far the Lord has helped us".

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