Visagism: what is it and how can it help our self-perception?

Have you ever tried on an outfit that looked amazing on someone else and didn't look great on you? Or cut your hair and felt that the result didn't value you? Visagism can help you with all this. In the content we have prepared, discover what this aesthetic analysis is and how it can transform your relationship with you.

What is visagism?

Many people believe that the preoccupation with beauty (fashion, makeup, hair) is superficial. That's because they still haven't discovered that the clothes we wear and the way we dress can translate our personality, being a means of expression.

This is not a new concept. In fact, the idea came about in 1937, when Frenchman Fernand Aubry started to use the term โ€œvisagismeโ€ to say that beauty professionals should do more than find a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing composition.

Visagism: what is it and how can it help our self-perception?
Dean Mitchell de Getty Images Signature / Canva

In addition to doing this, it would be the duty of these individuals to use makeup or fashion as an expression of the personality of the person wearing it. In other forms of artistic expression, such as architecture, this was already the idea that stood out above the others, but in a different way.

In this case, form should be led by function. For example: there is no use in a cup being very beautiful if it cannot retain the liquid that is placed inside it. In a similar way, there's no use in makeup being wonderful if it doesn't help someone feel better about themselves or bring out their essence.

Over time, the principle of visagism began to be increasingly applied, especially by Philip Hallawell, a Spanish artist of international renown. Through the technique, professionals began to use colors, textures and shapes to translate the personality of those they attended, choosing not only what was beautiful, but also what brought some meaning to the person's image.

So, visagism is an aesthetic analysis that a professional performs on a person's face to define the best makeup or hairstyle for them. However, how can this practice be applied in everyday life? Learn more in the next topic.

What is?

For now, we have learned that visagism is a technique that allows a professional to value who a person is through a certain makeup or haircut.

Therefore, visagism serves to expand someone's self-knowledge, ensuring that this person is able to project their own image in the world in an authentic and original way.

Visagism: what is it and how can it help our self-perception?
RyanKing999 / Canva

That way, an individual doesn't have to replicate a haircut or makeup that looks amazing on someone else, because they can figure out what will look amazing on them.

On closer examination, you will realize that visagism can even expand your self-knowledge. Understand how this works by continuing to read the article.

How can it help my self-knowledge?

If you've had the experience of looking in the mirror and not seeing yourself represented by the image you see, it's possible that you still don't have your self-knowledge up to date. The reason for this is that we can only convey a good image to the world when we know who we really are and what are the ways to highlight that.

Through a process of in-depth self-knowledge, we understand what sensations we want to convey to others, what aspects of us deserve to be highlighted and how we can harmonize our essence and our appearance.

And the technique that can help you discover all this is visagism. With this practice, you will analyze what message the world needs to know about you, and what haircut or makeup will help you to show it. There is nothing superficial about this analysis, is there?

Where can I do this analysis?

Considering the benefits of visagism for your self-knowledge and your self-esteem, you must already be looking for this analysis. After all, it is with her that you will come across your true identity in front of the mirror.

First of all, it is important that you know that there are many visa professionals. Some are only specialized in analyzing your image and helping you to find out what is best for you. Others are hairdressers and makeup artists who do the analysis and turn you into a work of art.

Visagism: what is it and how can it help our self-perception?
Oleksandr Hrytsiv de Getty Images / Canva

So there are two paths you can follow: either you are looking for a visagism center, with professionals specialized in analyzing your face and what suits you, or you are looking for hairdressers and makeup artists who have this qualification.

In the hands of capable and committed people, you will be amazed at everything your appearance can say about your essence. Remember to seek recommendations before handing over such an important part of who you are to someone else.

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After reading all the information presented, you learned that visagism is a way to connect with who you are and to show that to the world in a beautiful way. So, look for a professional who can help you on this trajectory, to highlight the best in you!

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