How Does Intuition Work with the Akashic Records?

    Having your intuition touched brings many more benefits to your life than you might think. It reinforces the connection between body and soul and with the intelligence of the entire universe. But what is the use of the intuition developed in relation to the akashic records? That's what I'm going to talk about today...

    What is intuition? 

    First of all, you need to understand what intuition is. It is the ability to align with energies that contain the information or part of what you need to know. It is not a question of guessing the future, but of being guided based on what is most true to its essence.

    How does it manifest? 

    Messages can come to you spontaneously or when you harmonize to try to capture what is most appropriate at your moment in relation to a subject.

    How Does Intuition Work with the Akashic Records?

    We all have these channels, but some of them are more developed than others. Likewise, some people have these channels more worked out.

    But the important thing is that you know that you can take your time and time to learn how to develop them. In addition to these channels themselves, the body also speaks to you. Pains can tell you what you need to pay more attention to in life. Also, you know that sudden restlessness or well-being when you think about a subject or approach someone or some environment?

    Well, we have countless ways to communicate with the universe and the vibrations around us. Other channels that influence this perception of intuition are the chakras. These power centers spread throughout the body, which work on specific properties in the body and spirit, reveal the importance of this inner attunement.

    How Does Intuition Work with the Akashic Records?

    What are the ways to tune in to the Akashic Records? 

    Before talking about the types of connection, it is always worth remembering what the Akashic Records are about. They correspond to all your memories, from this and other lives, and can reveal the causes of certain emotions that block you in some way today.

    Feelings of incapacity, of not feeling loved, of fear, among many others, may have originated from a contract you have made with yourself in the past. These contracts are usually unconscious, but they set limitations, as a way to protect you against further suffering. Well, the ways to tune in to the Akashic Records are through:

    reading the records, done by a certified professional; 

    from the reading you do, once you learn to access your own records; 

    of akashic cleanses, in which you do not access, but the session leader contacts the Akashic Records of the group, in order to remove layers of beliefs that can be released in each participant's body.

    How Does Intuition Work with the Akashic Records?

    And how are the Akashic Records and intuition related? 

    When accessing your own records, you need to trust the information that comes to you. There is no right or wrong, just allow the images, words and sensations to arise, without judging them. Eventually you will be able to understand what the message is. The most prominent intuitive gifts fine-tune the identification of these messages.

    When doing akashic cleansing, depending on the focus of the cleansing, you are asked to think of some area of ​​the body that you feel needs to work with the energy that is concentrated there. Or about some area of ​​your life, for example. Akashic cleansing, individually or in groups, is intended to remove energy blocks that have built up in your body. Likewise, more developed intuition brings the information you need for cleaning faster.

    Akashic Cleansing, Body, Chakras and Intuition 

    With intuition, you live in greater alignment with your essence. And also knowing about the potential of your body makes your vibrations connect to those that will bring you your well-being.

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