Understand what Ego is and how it acts in your life

Understand what Ego is and how it acts in your life
As we enter the depths of spirituality, questions about what is Ego It can bring us a lot of learning throughout life.

In the vast majority of cases, people believe that the ego is something that needs to be taken out of human life. This raises new questions, such as: Do we really need to eliminate this identity from our lives? What does this term mean and what do we learn from it?

After all, what is the meaning of Ego?

In a completely generic way, the Ego is like a personal identity. He is responsible for showing what you think about yourself.

A very specific way to detail this is to reflect on your life as a whole. Your ego has a name, a specific personality and a personal history. Within that story are memories, beliefs and sensations that say a lot about you.

Of course, all this has a direct connection with the place of its origin, its aptitudes, the experiences that it has lived and much more.

The relationship between Id, Ego and Superego

Your Ego is not alone and does not act without your permission. In the course of your life, you went through some phases of learning and, with that, you got to know the Id, the Superego Ego.

There is a difference between them, which can help you understand the subject even better. Known as personality theory, this psychoanalytic study was conducted by Sigmund Freud.

The Id is the beginning, the step towards the development of the Ego and the Superego. It says a lot about your wants and your primary impulses; is governed by pleasure instincts. By going through the Id process, you will walk towards the next discoveries.

Then the Ego begins to manifest! It starts to act when you initiate the specific interaction with your real life. In this case, the individual begins to work the balance of the Id with the reality in which he lives. Through an Ego in harmony, you are able to maintain your true personality.

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With the arrival of this new phase, in which there will be constant progress in your life, the Superego also arrives. He is responsible for all counseling of morality, culture and personal ideals in your life.

According to Freud's studies, the Superego appears from the age of 5. His job is to alert the Ego about what is accepted and what is not, based on each one's personal life trajectory.

Understand the duality of the Ego

We can say that your Ego is the line between what you believe you are and what you really are. Society in general understands the ego as something essential for differentiating one individual from another.

According to the general belief, you are not like another person and you are not connected to anyone; you are unique. But this mentality that we are not connected can cause a lot of fear and suffering.

The duality that involves what is Ego is precisely SEPARATION, a belief that has been placed in everyone and that opposes reality. Beliefs like “right and wrong”, “good and evil”, “beautiful and ugly” and “love and hate” are dualities that cause bad experiences in life.

All these judgments make you separate from others and, of course, from yourself. After all, where there are negative feelings that were created by duality beliefs, there is self-destruction. So a big piece of advice is: don't let your Ego run your story!

Pay attention to life and realize how dependent you are on the people around you. Likewise, notice how dependent they are on you and how amazing working together can be. Take control of your Ego, give people your best and everything you would like to get back.

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