A notebook and a tea

There are many daily stimuli through screens, colors, images and sounds. Stopping is a contrary movement, but extremely necessary and organic for the beings of nature. But, in the time we live in, the natural is sometimes seen as an exception. Not all people can close their eyes and meditate. So I suggest starting with a notebook and a cup of tea.

The blank sheet can be frightening, but the barrier is not physical, but mental and sentimental, arising from fear and limiting beliefs carried along the journey. You don't have to be a writer to write. Labels cannot continue to be ahead of the human essence. Thus, the illusion must cease at some point. Only conscience can lead us to the answers we so seek. The first step is to observe. Not what is outside, but what is inside. Emotions are very neglected and that's why it's essential to pay attention to them, just like for a child. The notebook is a good invitation to start. Putting emotions into words is like letting water stand still, run. Movement is the natural meaning of life, so feelings cannot be held in a dam within the body.

A notebook and a tea
Drew Jemmett/ Unsplash

The act of making yourself a cup of tea is a kindness. Boil the water, choose the herb, make the infusion or decoction. Wait for the bubbly liquid to get warm until you serve it in a cup and drink it. It's like a warning to the body that everything is fine, that it will be listened to. In some places in the East, making tea is treated as a meditation. A moment to exercise the presence of the senses. And everything is exercise. Many of us are trained to have fast-paced minds. Quitting should also be a workout. That's why a few minutes a day should be reserved for the break.

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The process of giving attention is gradual. At first, there will be a reluctance both to slow down and to express yourself. But then there is a readaptation to nature itself. First a notebook and a cup of tea. Then, with the feelings loose, there will be no limits. The only certainty in the course is that a person who pays attention to himself, will not look abroad. This is a liberation.

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