Understand the history of the Runes

Runas is an oracle that goes beyond borders and expands levels of consciousness in the search for answers and paths. The word rune means β€œsecret or mystery” and its origin comes from the practice of the Vinking priests, in the belief that runes were a gift from Odin. It represents a precept of wisdom, power and lucidity. The runes gave rise to the alphabet called Elfuthark. Over time, the Nordic tradition of taking runes has resisted and perpetuated itself. And like any language, they have undergone some changes over time, so today, there are variations of runes.

Stories of the Runes

Around the year 150, peoples located in northern Europe created their first alphabetic scriptures. Called "Runes", these scriptures were made in bones, metals and wood and used in guessing games, to write poems and even as a protective amulet. Runes were the only alphabet of the Norse people, however it never evolved into writing.

According to Norse mythology, the runes were a gift from the God Odin. He would have conquered them while seeking a sign sitting on Yggdrasil, (Odin's horse) known as the tree of life. For the Old Norse of the Middle Ages, the Universe was shaped like a large abundant tree. After nine days and nine nights, the heavens would have granted their requests and been opened, letting the runes fall into their hands. Within Norse mythology, the runes have their own prominence, as they are the ones that tell the story of the creation of the Gods and everything we know today.

During the Middle Ages (XNUMXth to XNUMXth centuries), runes were persecuted by Christianity and banned by the Inquisition as it was considered a witchcraft game and replaced by the Latin alphabet. With the Renaissance, runes were popularized mainly among gypsies and astrologers, who began to use them as an oracle in order to provide answers.

The runic alphabet is made up of 24 runes, divided into three groups of eight symbols, which are emotional attainment, physical attainment, and spiritual attainment.

reading the runes

It is important to see the runes not just as an alphabet or oracle, but as a path that relates to both Norse myth and today's thinking. They are parameters for understanding the mysteries of life.

The first group translates material matters and defines what the researcher must acquire on his journey: Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raidho, Kenaz, Gebo and Wunjo, ruled by Frey and Freyja, the twin brothers of the Vanir Goddess of fertility race. . From the contact with the first group, we know the history of the creation of the Universe, we learn about our incarnate life and the creation of the first human clan.

Understand the history of the Runes
Photos granted by the author Priscila Sarmento

The second group ruled by the Guardian Gods Humdall and Modgud reveals the emotional issues, the challenges faced for survival and the paths to victory. The runes are Hagalaz, Nawthiz, Isa, Jera, Eihwaz, Perthro, Algiz and Sawilo.

Understand the history of the Runes
Photos granted by the author Priscila Sarmento

The third group ruled by the ancestral deities Tyr and Ziza brings us back to the issues of our mental and spiritual nature, revealing the final journey. Walking through what defines us as divine beings to reach ascension. The runes that make up this group show, finally, our great objective in the spiritual journey. They are: Tiwaz, Berkana, Ehwaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Ingwaz, Othala and Dagaz.

Understand the history of the Runes
Photos granted by the author Priscila Sarmento

How does the rune query work?

Good runologists are interested in knowing all aspects of the presented situation in order to provide good guidance. The question needs to be clear and objective, without ambiguity or inconsistency, as legitimacy is of great importance. They usually use the game of the three runes, which is the most used by the goddesses of destiny, in which three runes are chosen by the querent, which will represent the past (what determines the situation), the present (how is the situation in the current moment) and the future (the resolution of the situation).

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It is important to remember that, like any oracle, the runes show the paths of the line of destiny traced by spirituality from an already established situation and that provides the possibility of resolution, but it will be up to the consultant to make his journey.


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