Who loves, cares

    Being pregnant has taught me the true meaning of the word CAUTION. I take care of myself. But after pregnancy, I understand what it really means to take care of myself. 

    Watch every breath, every movement, every reaction. Watch the foods I eat each day to make sure they are enough to nourish my baby. Taking care of every detail of his little room, taking care of his clothes even before he was born. Taking care of the upcoming health plan and the pediatrician I'm going to hire for him.

    Yeah… That little clichΓ© phrase never made so much sense: those who love take care.

    Who loves, cares

    For love, I take care of myself so I can take care of him. For love, I take care of his things. If I learn to be more love and less ego and if I learn to take care without expecting anything in return, I can say, even before I am, that being a mother has made me a better person.

    Is that you? Are you taking good care of your love?

    β€œDo everything with love.”

    1 Corintios 16: 14

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