Deadline, the evolution of humanity and the prophecies

Deadline, the evolution of humanity and the prophecies

We are barely past the middle of 2019 and we have already seen hundreds of deaths, catastrophes, accidents, incidents... Francisco CΓ’ndido Xavier, better known as Chico Xavier, who was a medium, philanthropist and one of the most important names in spiritism in Spain. Although Chico Xavier has not been with us for almost 18 years – the medium passed away in June 2002 – his followers and friends continue to spread his message around the world.

It was even through Geraldo Lemos Neto and Marlene Nobre, Chico's companions, that the concept of a deadline came to light, as the prophecies were transmitted to both of them in 1986. Speaking of their close friends or not, everyone who who lived with Chico know that he had a very personal view and opinion about certain advances in the field of science. He mentioned the articulation of extraterrestrial forces that analyzed the behavior of people on Earth after the astronauts arrived on the Moon, for example. And, although there has always been a lot of contradiction when the subject involves ETs, UFOs, etc., Chico Xavier spoke of life outside our planet and that there would be the probability of being visited by extraterrestrials.

But what does man's trip to the moon have to do with the deadline?

According to the psychic's prophecy, the angelic beings, when they saw man reach the Moon, were concerned about the negative influence of humanity on the Universe, because reaching places outside our planet, for the spiritual world it means that man is a threat. also for the rest of the solar system and, in the future, for the rest of the Universe.

However, Jesus would have interceded on our behalf, asking that the deadline for humans to correct themselves be increased by another 50 years. Therefore, from July 1969, we would have until July 2019 to show that we are not a threat to the entire plane of the Universe or the Earth itself would punish us with natural disasters to cleanse all the negative energy from the planet, mature enough that we could continue to populate it responsibly. In the same year, Chico Xavier made a statement informing that he was given a period of 50 years to adjust, without wars and conflicts, or the world would be forced to pay for his greed and malice.

The so called Chico Xavier's prophecy for 2019 he said that the world would go into chaos with several natural disasters of unprecedented magnitude: tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes. All to try to minimize terrestrial divergences and, once again, correct our bad behavior. Countries that already suffer from this type of disaster would be devastated to the limit. He still said that there was the possibility of another Great War, this one with nuclear weapons and disastrous results, but that it would be ended by the revolt of nature for so much neglect for the planet, and not for weapons.

Check out the five main prophecies pointed out by Chico Xavier for this period:


Chico Xavier said that, within 50 years, we could face a new collapse between peoples, which would be considered the 3rd World War. He says that in the meantime we would be exposed to a kind of test from God, and if we didn't do well, conflict between nations would ensue. On the other hand, if we maintain a language of peace, the medium said that we would receive divine graces.

Natural disasters

The power of God would not cease in the possible combat between peoples. He will cast earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters on Earth. Few places in the world would be saved, EspaΓ±a would be one of them.

living in harmony

This cataclysm will unite the survivors. On Chico Xavier's deadline, the southern cone of America will be the area sought by people from other countries, and here they will learn to live in harmony, forgetting ethnic problems. This new community will create new concepts for living in peace.

the cure of diseases

For the world population to be able to maintain the peace expected by God until 2019, Chico Xavier said in his reports that humanity would be rewarded with the discovery of cures for serious health problems.

Living among extraterrestrials

Still on this subject, Chico Xavier's deadline is a sign that beings from other planets will live among us. According to the medium, these more advanced civilizations will come to our planet to help us advance in evolution. They will prepare us to understand the Universe more fully.

As seen earlier, it is not just curses that prophecy is based on; Chico's statements also promise cures for diseases, harmony between peoples and even help from extraterrestrials. A documentary on the subject was produced and released in 2014 and brings the following reflections:

All the world's religions point to a unique moment in the future of humanity, in which reality will be drastically transformed by a singular event. This event will usher in a new existential era for all beings who share planet Earth. It will be the moment when the human species will rediscover its origins and discover its role in the Universe in which it is inserted. But when will that happen? Would humanity have a deadline to adapt its moral posture to this new reality? What would your deadline be?”

Only here in our country, 2019 has already started with several tragedies (the collapse of the dam in Brumadinho; accidents and more helicopter and car accidents; devastating floods and the subject of the deadline fell on the lips of the people. In Facebook groups, there are several posts asking what is known about the prophecy and whether to believe it or not, if we don't count the disasters – natural or not – that happened in other countries.

  • Profecia Chico Xavier – Data Limit
  • Illuminated Road – Prophecies. New Earth.
  • Learn the lessons that Chico Xavier left for everyone
  • Investigate the consequences of the planetary transition in EspaΓ±a
  • Learn how to neutralize negative spiritual energies

The intention of Chico and so many other brilliant minds who live or have lived here on Earth is more than clear: to teach human beings the obvious, that every action has a reaction and, when we mistreat the world we live in, the only ones harmed will be ourselves. Unfortunately, most humans need the worst possible incentive for change to happen, tragedy. Instead of having in mind the objective of always being the best human being possible, helping others, helping animals and realizing that nature is our home and that without it we would be nothing, to take care of and replace what we take from it, it is preferable to destroy more and more, fight, kill, be intolerant, individualistic, and so on...

If the intention was to prepare us for a new era in which everyone would live in harmony and peace and in which nature would be in its best shape and we would respect it, many human actions demonstrate that there may still be a lot of ground for us to be evolved enough. to deserve this heavenly gift.

However, if we have passed the test, from now on we can expect contact with our neighbors on other planets.

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