Jesus, the doctor of souls

    Pilgrims in search of spiritual improvement and interns in the countless houses of the Father, we all face challenges. It is a constant and auspicious journey that, over the course of existence, consolidates the improvement of our qualities through acquired experiences. On this path, we suffer from the infirmities of the imperfections we have.

    We make use of earthling doctors to minimize our pain and suffering. There are always reliefs that repair our strength through the assistance we receive. However, let us not forget that “diseases of the body are reflections of the ills of the soul”! It is in it that all the imperfections that make us suffer are embedded. In “selfish stronghold” we thoughtlessly keep the inferior feelings that have enslaved us for centuries archived.

    Earthly medicine helps us with the pains that affect us. But Jesus, as the doctor of souls, is the medicine that will set us free, since the causes of our suffering are found in the soul. Jesus will not bring us temporary relief, but the definitive healing we need. It is He who has morals, as a therapeutic arsenal for the Spirit, capable of purging all our iniquities.

    Jesus, the doctor of souls

    This is the remedy that will ward off relapses as it often happens to us. His Light will illuminate the darkness in which we find ourselves, bringing us the horizon of the Peace he offered as we have it in John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you, not as the world gives I give to you. . Do not be troubled your heart, do not be afraid".

    It is in this perspective that we must guide our lives, mirroring ourselves in Him. In the book “O Doutor Jesus”, by Jose Carlos de Lucca, we find on pg. 22:

    “(…) We plot our own illnesses through imbalances that take place over time”

    Our cells present in their incessant work the result of the energies that emanate from our thoughts. The physiological process will respond in turn, according to the intensity and quality of what we think and project in daily practice. By thinking badly, we create dense, harmful atmospheres and the damage starts in ourselves. We take care of the hygiene of the body daily, but we neglect the purge of our "mental garbage". In this way, the remedies will continue to be mere palliatives that minimize the effects, but leave the causes permanent.

    Let us not forget that the wisdom of living originates in our thoughts. Our will results from this process, which in turn will give us attitude as a consequence. So we decree our well-being or ill-being that will affect our physical and mental health. But doing our part, we will always have Jesus, the doctor of souls, to assist us. (The mind sows, it is up to the body to reap).

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