Archangel Michael – Story about the Archangel

    Archangel Michael or Saint Michael the Archangel is one of the most important angels in the angelic hierarchy and, for many, the right arm of God. I wasn't going to write about it, it's a very complex subject. But, as a fiction author and having already published a book “Dark Wings” – with the theme of an angel, with the Archangel Michael represented by the name “Michael” (there is no difference in the two names, it is just a translation), I feel I felt challenged and obliged to talk about this figure so important to some religions, such as Judaism and Christianity.

    Very well known – even more being represented in paintings and clay sculptures – Archangel Michael is one of the most important angels. That if not the most important thing, as he is the supreme prince among these spirit beings and is associated with protection as well as being a warrior angel.

    Michael, Mikha'el or Michael means “one who is similar to God”, or also “who is like God?”: Mi= who, Kha= like, El= God.

    Archangel: arché - angelos = "above angels, above messengers", "leader/chief of messengers".

    Let us remember that there is a hierarchy, and depending on the position of a particular angel, he is closer to God. So you can have a dimension of the strength and power of Michael, even more being the leader of the army of angels. There are even passages in the Bible that confirm this power of his. For example, the book of Daniel tells how the archangel helped in the fight against the princes of Persia and Greece. The book of Revelation tells about the war in heaven against Lucifer, the cherub who turned against God and took part of the angels. In this war, Michael was not only the supreme leader of the angels, but he is also said to have risen to defend his people. Therefore, there are even beliefs that he is a deity, a representation of the divine figure, or a human being who was exalted by God.

    Leaving aside this controversy over the identity of the Archangel, let's focus more on the historical part. In the letter of Judas, Michael is referred to as “the archangel”, and shrines in his name were built from the XNUMXth century onwards, when he was seen as a healing angel and, in time, a protective angel. From the XNUMXth century onwards, devotion to this archangel spread, making the doctrines about him stand out.

    Archangel Michael – Story about the Archangel
    dimitrisvetsikas1969 / Pixabay

    This angel is also associated with miracles, blessings and prosperity, so much so that this is what prayers and songs for him are all about.

    In the Middle Ages, this archangel was considered the patron of the military and police, as well as Saint George. In the 1469th century, thanks to Jean Molinet's exaltations of Michael's feats in war, he became the natural patron of France's first order of chivalry – the Order of Saint Michael (1818). In XNUMX, another order of chivalry was founded in honor of this patron saint and Saint George: the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George.

    A curiosity: in Romania there is a decoration in honor of Saint Michael, it is a very high rank. Another curiosity: he is the patron saint of sailors and fishermen, for protection and abundance.

    • Archangel Michael – Learn all about the mighty angel!
    • Say prayers to Archangel Michael and fill your heart
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    As I said, this article was to bring these curiosities about this great patron. It was more than fair to talk about him, because there are artistic productions that talk about angels, such as the series “Lucifer”, “Good Omens”, “Supernatural”, “Legion”, “Constantine” and “Mortal Instruments”. In fact, I recommend all these series, movies and books. And of course, as the author of the book “Dark Wings” – also about angels –, I mentioned the angel Michael and I will release two sequels that will continue that mention. So it was more than my duty to write about it, this historical and literary part about São Miguel Arcanjo. I wanted to bring different content. I hope you enjoyed it, and I'd love to see the comments. Maybe I'll reply in a story on my Instagram.


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