How not to love?

    β€œHow can you not love?”, asked the bird from above to the flower.

    "If you love me, take me with you!", replied the flower, in the uncertainty of this feeling.

    β€œBut if I take you, you die! It cannot live without its roots!” replied the resolute bird most concerned with preserving life.

    "But why live a long and rooted life if what I wanted most was five seconds of flight with you?", replied the flower putting both of them at a crossroads.

    One of the most expensive things is the love… He carries within him charity, courage, strength, hope, the joy of waking up and going to bed. It comes out to purity of soul. But it can also lead us to a crossroads. Because there is so much power in this meeting that we get confused. Some believe they have lost what we call lucidity. But how to lose the light that our body emits if we are in a state of grace?

    This grace needs to be a ray of sunshine to everyone around us. But it's not about being confined, it's about being close, together, in the same vibration. And vibrating love, affection and affection is to emanate happiness, joy and contentment. If it brings suffering, maybe it's better to dominate the ego and analyze if this look is nothing more than an enchantment. Because it's easy to be dazzled by what's good to see, hear, speak and feel, but if magic isn't pure and simple, it turns into a complicated spell that imprisons and corners like a mirror image, just as beautiful, but trapped our existence. And love, on the contrary, is free, light and loose!

    How not to love?

    Loving is true empowerment – a fashionable word – and it never goes out of style, but it has several ways to express and reveal itself. Through him, we are capable of anything. And everything is an unfathomable world of unimaginable aspects and actions, beyond our understanding and acceptance. Everything can even be nothing. With it, a flower can fly and a bird can take root. They can even switch souls, merge, mingle. With it, we can experience ourselves being one and being all. But for this, we must not be afraid of where this everything will take us or leave us. Because nothing can take the love that's in us.

    The flower that beautifies our gardens and the bird that recognizes and disseminates all this wealth is in each of us. Whether rooting or floating, it is the strength of intention and the purity of purpose that will tell us what moment we are and need and who we are. And, at the end of the day, our crossroads give us a chance to understand that the how not to love applies to everything and everyone. So give it a whirl and live love! How and where he goes.

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