I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 14:8).

    After the initial inconvenience of the pandemic, which brought us distress, the Spiritist Center Caminhando Para Jesus has been resuming its face-to-face activities since October 2021.

    The adversity we all go through led us to a new path to give virtual lectures, without interruption of the studies of the Spiritist Doctrine and its dissemination. Despite the difficulties faced, the work carried out in the period was auspicious.

    This June 21, we will be celebrating the 71 years of this Casa de Luz. During these decades, the work was intense in the teaching of the Gospel of Jesus, overcoming the obstacles that are always present.

    I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 14:8).
    pcess609 / Canva

    We pave paths, awaken consciences and reveal countless hearts to the reality of life, which proposes challenges to be overcome. This tireless work made it possible for many to get to know the Doctrine of the Spirits, which presents itself as revealing, consoling and redeeming.

    Having started its activities in 1951, with a school, it brought learning to many children. The workers of that temple also focused on the practice of charity as the pillar of support of this House of prayer and work. The perseverance of everyone who passed through there continues with those of today. Today, there is already a good harvest of this blessed plantation. Those who started evangelism as children emerge in giving lectures, demonstrating a wealth of valuable knowledge.

    The journey is long, but the knowledge that is acquired is rewarded. The example we have today corroborates the need to continue helping everyone who comes to us with their pain and questions. It is a gratifying task, which renews our strength to do good.

    I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 14:8).
    kieferpix de Getty Images / Canva

    We find it in the Book Seara do Mestre, pg.139, Ed. FEB 10th. Edition, by Pedro de Camargo (Vinicius): β€œIt will never be idle to remember that the aim of Spiritism is in the inner illumination of the souls incarnated here. Once this objective has been achieved, all other problems will be solved without delay or further difficulties, (…)”. This assertion converges with the purposes of the Spiritist Center Caminhando Para Jesus, which has the participation of its various workers, so that the sufferings of many who are welcomed are alleviated.

    Associated with the comfort of the β€œsouls incarnated here”, we favor those who live in erraticity and who, in mediumistic sessions, participate in the consoling dialogue, in which we exercise the charity they so much need. It is in this context of love for our neighbor, according to the precepts of Mestre Jesus, that we increasingly seek to support the brothers in need of the Mestre's teachings, being, for us, also the comfort we need.

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    We pray to the Father that the lessons and examples that we have given and collected during all these years, serve as a foundation for new advances, and that we are always useful, helping the tireless work of Jesus.

    Luiz Guimaraes Gomes de Sa
    Works at the Spiritist Center Caminhando para Jesus
    Site – Canal no YouTube

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