The benefits of faith

Many talk about faith. Originating from the Greek pi.stis, the term means trust, firm conviction.

The Bible in Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Faith can show signs of rationality. In spiritism, science and philosophy go hand in hand. Faith for this doctrine is not an abstract feeling, but something linked to knowledge.

Often, this feeling or energy is born only from the belief in the existence of God or a higher force. For many people, nature is the greatest proof that it exists above us. A tree that does not fall after several blows with axes or electric saws confirms that faith is, above all, the art of insisting on living even in the face of adversity.

Science studies the subject. In 2004, Dean Hamer, an American geneticist revealed that he had discovered the genes of faith, or the “God gene”, in the words of its discoverer. VMAT2 is a cluster of genes that stimulate chemicals that give meaning to lived experiences. Genes act on the action of the neurotransmitters dopamine, responsible for pleasure and well-being. In meditation, neurotransmitters modify the state of consciousness. According to Hamer "we are genetically programmed to have mystical experiences".

To validate the finding, psychiatrist Robert Cloninger, from the University of Washington (USA) and Hamer developed a field study. Cloninger devised a questionnaire on faith and rituals. Hamer applied this questionnaire to 1001 people. From the answers, the geneticist noticed quantitative variations of the “God gene”.

Neuroimaging exams also prove brain changes during meditations and prayer times. The brains of monks and nuns were evaluated. The frontal lobe, the area responsible for concentration, and the limbic system, associated with emotions, showed changes. The activity of the parietal lobe, responsible for our self-perception and our understanding of the world, has been significantly reduced. The discovery explains why meditators lose track of time and space. With all this, it is possible to say that the more we think about God, the more intensely the neural circuits will be altered, scientist Andrew Newberg, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania (USA), reveals in his book How God Changes Your Brain (“How God Changes Your Brain”). changes your brain”).

Faith in the service of health

The benefits of faith have been studied since the 80s. The World Health Organization (WHO) attests that faith influences physical, mental and biological health. Belief can reduce the risks of diabetes, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, heart attacks, kidney failure and stroke. In 2004, the São Paulo Medical Journal, of the Associação Paulista de Medicina, published a research that affirms the power of prayer in the recovery of cancer patients. Physiatrist Marcelo Saad reports that spirituality provides neurophysiological and hormonal balance, acts on the immune system, stimulates the production of endorphins, a hormone responsible for well-being.

Faith in the prescription

Oncologist Paulo de Tarso Lima, coordinator of the Integrative and Complementary Medicine Sector of the Integrated Oncology Program at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (SP) and author of the book Integrative Medicine – a cure through balance (MG editors) always asks his patients how they profess the faith. If they attend religious services, the information is recorded in the recipe. The hospital combines faith and medicine for treatment. Patients can request visits from priests, pastors or rabbis. For those who practice meditation, the hospital provides yoga teachers.

Another initiative of the Albert Einstein hospital is the Center for Studies on Religiosity-Spirituality in Health (NERES). Coordinated by Marcelo Saad, the nucleus is part of the Pain and Palliative Care Group. The benefits of faith were first brought to the attention of health professionals, who were very receptive. The second step was the dissemination to other professionals and patients.

spiritual treatments

Spiritual treatments are highly sought after. These are therapeutic practices carried out in spiritist and spiritualist centers. They work on the spiritual body and treat physical and mental illnesses. It is worth mentioning that they do not replace conventional treatments. The main spiritual treatments are:

Passes: Transfer of magnetic or spiritual fluids. The medium is an intermediary between the spirits of light and the person undergoing treatment. The medium must apply passes in a state of prayer. The patient says a silent prayer, in order to receive the good energies.

Fluid therapy (fluidized water): Water is a deposit of spiritual fluids. The spiritual body absorbs this energy like a sponge. The therapy is applied by at least three dancers. The patient must be lying down or sitting up. Passengers must stand or sit. The treatment is done in two phases. In the first, a fluidic cleaning is performed. In the second, the dancer makes an imposition of hands. The number of sessions can reach twelve in more severe cases. An interval of two weeks is recommended between each session, however, depending on the severity of the case, it is reduced to one week.

Homeopathic prescription: The medium must be – or have been – a homeopathic physician. He listens to patients' complaints and prescribes medication.  

Distance treatment: Those who cannot attend due to physical limitations, or geographical impediment, can perform distance treatment. In this case, the concentration of the mediums and the patient needs to be even greater.

Apometry: Treats and harmonizes the levels of consciousness and energy. Apometry acts in the unfolding of bodies, in their levels and sublevels. Treatment begins with opening the patient's frequency. Mediums do this through classical incorporation, or else, through the perception of the patient's energy.

Spiritual Surgery: The medium embodies a spiritual entity and performs the surgery. No cuts or dressings are made. The procedure is based on prayer and transmission of positive energies.

The benefits of faith

Anyone who believes in a superior force already knows. Research only confirms its benefits. Research carried out with 259 cardiac patients pointed out that faith was fundamental to deal with the problem, such as:

  • 99% believe in God
  • 66% pray daily
  • 52% trust religion improves health
  • 90% have an element of comfort in their faith
  • 31% want doctors to address the issue

Survival after a liver transplant is three times higher for those who believe in God. People who attend weekly services reduce the risk of hypertension by 40%. They eat more fruits and vegetables. Spiritual people have an increased life expectancy of seven years.  

Faith makes people friendlier. The spiritualized participate more intensely in public life. Those who see marriage as sacred are 42% happier. With all this, it is redundant to say that faith brings happiness, however, if you are still not convinced, know that:

  • While 26% of skeptical Americans declared themselves to be very happy, the percentage of happiness rises to 43% among spiritual people.
  • Postmenopausal spiritual women are 56% more optimistic

The benefits of faith

The importance of faith is undeniable. However, daily difficulties such as unemployment, lack of money and violence can shake or prevent it from manifesting. Spirituality begins with faith in your abilities, in knowing that there is no evil that lasts forever. In life, we learn many things, some knowledge becomes useless, others, put our existence at risk. But, can we learn how to be more confident? With our tips, you will see that it does.

  • Live the present. We cannot go back in time and tomorrow is an unknown;
  • Keep in touch and ask for guidance from spiritual people;
  • Try to put yourself in the other's shoes;
  • Take care of your breath. It influences our thoughts and actions;
  • Adopt meditation, the practice brings a lot of comfort and is still great for memory;

Talking about the benefits of faith is like “raining in the wet”. But it is never enough to clarify that faith and religion are different things. There are people with an unshakable faith who do not follow a religion. We can also see fervent religious people without faith. Faith is a sensation, energy greater than sacred books and dogmas. Faith starts with you, your ability to believe in your abilities. It is the power to continue to believe in humanity, even with so much greed and wars. Belief in oneself and in others are the basis for adopting solidarity even with those who demonstrate that they do not deserve it.

A person with faith should never be seen as someone complacent. She knows that nothing comes from heaven. She is sure that dedication and respect for our values ​​and for others are the keys that will open the doors to success. Even people of unshakable faith experience difficult times. The difference is that faith brings strength in the face of adverse situations. Whoever has a heart illuminated by her, knows that her problems are not greater than her ability to overcome. Problems are opportunities to prove to everyone the immense power that faith has.

We can compare faith to a mountain. It is difficult to reach it, some give up halfway, however, those who persist reach an indescribable view.

From the top of this mountain it is possible to see and feel all the beauty of this world. Feel the energy of the wind, the leaves, the flowers, refresh and cheer up with the rain and smile at the sound of the birds. Faith is a magnet. With her you only attract good things. Kindness attracts kindness. Solidarity attracts solidarity. Faith attracts faith. When your heart is full of kindness, a legion of kind people will come your way. Never doubt it.

While there are scientific explanations, faith cannot be produced in a laboratory. It can be said that faith is a gift. Going through difficult times without giving up is not for everyone. Some people are born with it, others develop it throughout their lives. Like any feeling, it needs to be cultivated daily. Good feelings towards you, taking care of other people, taking care of nature are attitudes that renew faith, after all, we only believe in what can bear fruit, don't we? Faith, nothing else is the belief in real things.

The soul expands when it is illuminated by it. Faith is a fuel that moves us to what really matters. It is an energy that grows during hardships and does not weaken during good times. Faith is the certainty that tomorrow will be better, precisely because it is a new opportunity to continue the journey.

Faith, optimism, believing that it will work, no matter the name. The certainty that we are special beings, with qualities and abilities is what keeps us standing. The belief that human beings still have salvation can never end. When we stop believing, we stop living.

Faith has no size, it has immensity and power.
Faith is the oxygen that gives life.
Those who have faith know that they are not and will never be alone.
Faith makes us see the invisible and accomplish the impossible.
Faith is not the light at the end of the tunnel, but the way.
Faith is an aura of light that surrounds us, the blanket that protects us from the cold.
To have faith is to see the beauties of life in the midst of calamities.
Have faith and know that giving thanks for life brings more life.

  • Written by Sumaia Santana from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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