Traveling from the inside out

It's from the outside in!
Traveling through Peru…

If you are thinking about going to Peru, but you were in doubt, go! I really recommend.

I can say that I had intense personal experiences there, where everything flowed beautifully. I felt it was a journey of discovery, of sacred places and of healing.

I felt welcomed. While knowing how it works, because we are in Latin America and we work similarly in España, I was also surprised by the super rich culture, lots of good food, different fruits, sweets. Lots of superfoods and organic.

Visiting the ancient sacred temples of the Incas and Pre-Inca cultures surprised me with the already overdeveloped engineering, which seems to have gone back after and during colonization. This colonization that we also suffered, and that is why there is a sympathy between us. The traces of how the Spaniards took care of the Incas are everywhere and the religious syncretism is visible and makes everything even more beautiful, using symbols of the sacred mountains, the animals of power and everything that had meaning of the Inca civilization, for the Catholic saints. Everything got mixed up.

So they were able to accept in some way, and they still accept Catholicism today. In addition, many churches were built on top of the sacred places of the Incas. This demonstrates well how religions judge. Just the opposite of what we seek with spirituality. We want out of judgment.

Another thing that caught my attention was seeing that the Spaniards did not consider the Incas or other peoples, and the blacks, and the Spanish Indians, as if they were human. They believed they were a different race, which gave them the right to kill, torture and want to catechize at any cost. Many people are shocked by this. Do we not do that anymore these days? Think carefully…

What left me with a heart full of gratitude was the fact that many Inca ruins are super well preserved and even the pre-Incas, in Lima, which are in the middle of the city (there are several scattered around). The museums are super rich and have a lot of explanation, even if you go without a guide, you can find out, through the art they left, how they lived, what they ate, what their parties and their gods were like.

I thought it was beautiful, in Cusco, that mountain of mountains imposing themselves with such beauty before our eyes and this beauty being complete by cities of stones perfectly fitted into their slopes, simple, beautiful, intelligent constructions. So much wisdom. And there are so many constructions that we don't know very well how they were made, there is so much in Peru, as in the world, for which there are hypotheses that explain, but there is no sure explanation. This leaves us with a lot of questions in our heads.

How to know how so much wisdom was acquired about technologies, agronomy and engineering?

Traveling from the inside out

And to know the Sacred Valley, and as I said, the mountains, called Apus, wise spirits. Machu Picchu is what it is because this place was very thought about, being sacred before the construction of the city, as it is surrounded by three mountains, three Apus, which together form the face of Panchamama, Mother Earth. There is the worship of the Sun God and Mother Earth.

There is always the complementarity of opposites. There is always reading the stars and respect for the Earth. There is always spirituality and community living and respect for those who maintain a more direct connection with the power of the Whole. And within it all there is a sacred place called Machu Picchu and its companion, Huayna Picchu. Where ceremonies were held, for the sun and for the moon. Where even today we can feel the immense power of Mother Earth and Father Sun. Where, if we want, we can connect with this wisdom left and that will always be. Just want to connect.

Peru awaits you!

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