20:20 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?

This is the time to consider and reassess the path you are taking in life, in a relationship or in a situation to be resolved.

If you are frequently seeing the number 20 or the hours equal to 20:20, this is a call to become aware of the facts and act towards achievements. It is as if it were a harbinger of something future that will depend on the action or decision in the present moment and this makes the process of interiorization resume.

Let's go into more details of this number.

The meaning of number 20

After the journey of one, the search for balance of the number 2 with its partners begins. Here, we have the intensification of feelings and the need to listen to intuition to find the balance point that, at some point, was lost in the midst of so many emotions.

That's why 20 is considered the number of weighting, of the person who asks questions in search of answers and there is an energy expenditure between using the mental and emotional body to reach a conclusion.

20:20 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?
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The numerological meaning of 20

Within the studies of numerology added to the tarot archetypes, the number 20 is represented by the arcane The judgement, which speaks of the need for reassessment to move forward.

It is considering what is right or wrong and what to do with the reflection of it. The arcane invites you to a insight e analysis of the facts in order to put the correct measurements to reach a conclusion.

This conclusion, however, it will only be positive if you know what to do with it. For example, in an affective relationship, the person enters a moment of considering whether to continue with the relationship or not. Evaluate the pros, cons and what to do with it all.

And there's more, arcane 20 says that it's no use thinking, pondering, reevaluating if you don't act, as it ends in pain and suffering.

This is the biggest drama of the person who punishes and blames himself: he is stuck in the past, he is easily hurt by simply not acting. She knows the danger, but doesn't act; she knows she's bad, but she's gotten used to mediocrity; she knows she has the opportunity to be happy, but she prefers to sabotage herself. Do you know someone like this or would you be acting like this?

What does it mean to see 20:20

Another number for a deep reflection of the human soul. It is an invitation not to act hastily and to be as sensible as possible in the face of the situation you are in.

This hour equal to 20:20 raises weighting in every way, positive and negative, having a take a closer look at the possibilities available, that is, make conscious choices.

What to do when seeing the time 20:20

The pure and simple reflection that you need for this is to practice the exercise of listening to intuition, an inner voice that brings assertive answers, that is, the voice of the soul.

The suggestion is write down all the thoughts, feelings and emotions you are feeling when that time comes and then reflect on all this.

At this point, do the 4-part deep breathing exercise: inhale slowly through your nose, hold it for a few seconds, release it slowly, hold it for a few seconds, and repeat the process two more times. This will help you to silence your mind and listen to your intuition.

Did you see another time like this? discover the meaning

the angel 2020

Within Kabbalistic angel studies, the angel that is closest to Earth around 20:20 is the angel Iah-Hel, angel who helps to gain wisdom, helps in the emergence of luminous ideas and appeases violence, bringing good interaction between people.

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The color associated with the number 20 is blue, which relieves any kind of anxiety and maintains the sobriety necessary for solving problems.

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