Transcend: necessary action for human evolution

A person who is well connected with their own spirituality, who has already gone through a long process of self-knowledge and who is always willing to learn about the world is the perfect definition of transcending. This word brings the sense of going beyond, of taking a step towards evolution, something beyond simply living.

A person who chooses to transcend will come across three fundamental characteristics that he will acquire during the process. First, he will be able to seek the truth and learn to deal with it, refusing any kind of illusion or theory that does not match the facts.

Second, by transcending, a person can recognize the value of kindness and adopt this behavior because they know it is the best way to get along with other people. In general, people turn to kindness when they need a favor to be done. That would not be the case for someone who has transcended.

Third, a person who decides to transcend will be faced with the possibility of unifying his being. Instead of trying to separate her strengths from her flaws, for example, she will understand how one can benefit the other, becoming someone who recognizes all her attributions.

Although the concept of transcending is not that complex, the application of this way of life can bring some obstacles. Do the positive results outweigh the negatives? Is it possible to transcend at any stage of life? How is it possible to do this?

If these doubts popped into your mind right after reading the first paragraph, each topic we prepared will be very helpful for you. Understand how the process of transcending works and how it can be applied in your life, so that you always walk towards the future.

Transcend: necessary action for human evolution
Focal.Point / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Positive aspects of transcending

By transcending, a person can find benefits they never dreamed of having. Below, all of them will be described and explained, so that you understand what are the reasons to start this process:

1) Avoid conflicts

A group of people comes into conflict, most of the time, when they disagree on some issue or when they want to impose their own will on the other. A person who goes through the process of transcending is able to separate the discussions that can result in the common good and those that will only bring discord.

2) Understanding pain

The process of transcending includes reassessing the pain we feel, the causes of each, and how we can feel better about them. While this may seem painful, the point of transcendence is to allow your mind to recognize your pain as a consequence to be healed. You will not hold on to something that makes you sick, but you will seek solutions to this problem.

3) Value what matters

When transcending, a person must, necessarily, evaluate what matters to him. It could be family, job, leisure, leisure time… The ideal thing is that this person, after defining what his priorities are, abandons what he is known not to be interested in or which only causes negative feelings. It's a way to get closer to what really matters.

Transcend: necessary action for human evolution
CharlieAJA / Getty Images / Canva

Negative aspects of transcending

Just as there are positive aspects to transcending, there are also some difficulties that can discourage people who want this evolution. It is important, however, to understand that all processes that involve moving forward will present challenges. It is necessary to analyze the difficulties and the benefits.

1) Breaking ties

A person who decides to transcend may realize that many of the bonds he had were not built by true feelings. Games of interest and need to fit in, for example, can lead to unhealthy relationships.

As difficult as it may seem to free yourself from this type of relationship, this attitude can encourage the creation of new bonds with people who will truly have a positive impact on your life and who you are.

2) Feeling of insufficiency

The feeling of insufficiency can affect a person who wants to transcend. She can imagine that she doesn't have what it takes to evolve or that she will never get where she wants to be. The truth is that anyone can transcend. There are no prerequisites other than the willingness to carry out this process.

All people must recognize their own abilities and work so that they are put to good use when transcending. It is necessary to trace your own trajectory without trying to assume the path that others have already taken.

3) Difficulty evolving further

The process of transcending is never complete. Only an evolved person is able to recognize that it is always possible to evolve more. In some cases, this constant need to grow and learn can be exhausting and exhausting. If this happens, you need to readjust the evolution process to something that is not labor intensive.

Transcending must be something done naturally, seeking a connection with what really matters and with what is beyond human capacity. Stagnating in one position does not equate to transcendence. You have to have the audacity to challenge yourself every day.

Transcend: necessary action for human evolution
Sugar / Canva

Transcend into every stage of life

It is possible to transcend at any stage of life. As this process will never end, the sooner it begins, the more evolved a person will be when it is time to make the transition to the spiritual world. Next, learn about what transcendence can provide at each stage of life.

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1) childhood

For a child to transcend, the curiosity he has must always be stimulated. She must be able to know the world and interact with it, analyzing even the simplest aspects of life. By recognizing the value of nature and family relationships, a child will know what really matters.

Therefore, transcendence allows a child to grow with stimuli that will accompany him/her until adulthood. This person will always have the desire to go further, valuing the simplicity of things and the feeling of union and love that should exist between people.

2) Adolescence

Adolescence is a period of discovery and search for the truth. When finding numerous perspectives on the world, however, a teenager can rebel and generate unnecessary conflict. By transcending, he will be able to identify if there is a need to rage in the face of any reason.

A teenager who is in the process of transcendence will be a person in search of peace and harmony, understanding the countless truths about the world and respecting each one of them, without trying to impose their own desires on the whole world.

3) Adult life

The process of transcending during adulthood can be more difficult than in earlier stages. It is at this point that a person has already defined everything he expects from life and has already accumulated possessions and bonds. Even so, it is possible to initiate transcendence in order to open up to the world again. An adult person should not limit himself to what he already knows, because it is necessary to go further.

In this way, an adult who chooses to transcend can find novelties and discoveries that connect him with the joy of living. It is time to seek stimulation, to explore the world and to value the goodness that must involve human relationships.

4) old age

For many, old age is associated with the end of life. That's why people refuse to learn new things or follow new beliefs. The conformism and stagnation that affect older people is detrimental to those who wish to transcend. In this process, they would have the opportunity to review everything they have lived through, to analyze what they have built and to think about what they love most.

By valuing what was most important for their own lives, an elderly person will have started the process of transcending. There is a tendency for the passage to the spiritual world to be more peaceful and happier, as this person will understand that life is a cycle in which we must cling only to those who do us good and to objects that carry meaning.

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