Too much love is bad too

    That love is a wonderful feeling is not debatable. Great changes have taken place in society and in the lives of millions of people driven by loving feelings. At the same time, love is also somewhat overrated in our world. Many people put all their focus on the search for romance and, when frustrated, end up choosing to commit suicide because life loses meaning.

    Everything in excess is harmful, including love. This feeling raised to stratospheric levels can cause harm to those we love and, especially, to ourselves. Excessive love changes its name, becoming obsession. When that happens, nothing else matters. Reason and feeling don't usually go together in love, but when it becomes an obsession, what little rationality is present is thrown in the trash can.

    The famous English writer and thinker Oscar Wilde already said that our first and last love was self-love. If we have a true love for ourselves, we will certainly not submit to humiliation or try to force the other person to live with us. When we love ourselves first, the conviction that there are many other fish in the sea and that life goes on is part of our thoughts.

    Too much love is bad too

    While it is beneficial, self-love raised to extreme levels is also harmful. Just as excessive love for others becomes an obsession, so does self-love, which becomes vanity. The idea that there are other fish in the sea migrates to the perception that people are disposable, that is, mere objects present to satisfy us. When that no longer happens, they can be dropped, according to those who love only themselves.

    Everything in life requires balance, including for love. It is necessary to put feelings in the balance and analyze to what extent they are doing us good or if we need to review our positions. If you feel that you are following a path that will lead to prolonged pain and suffering, it may be the option to reflect on other possibilities. Life is exactly that: an infinity of paths that can be followed every day, therefore, it depends only on us.

    Written by Diego Rennan of the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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