5 benefits of developing your intuition

Intuition: some think it's something spiritual, like sensations that come from the divine, and others think it's just a collection of our experiences, opinions and wisdom. Regardless of your opinion, at some point you must have acted on that feeling โ€“ and that feeling alone.

Although it is important to think about things with a more analytical and rational mind, as well as analyze your emotions and feelings, let yourself be guided by this guide that is intuition (that inexplicable desire or that breath in the ear that tells us what to do) is essential for making good decisions. Want to find out why?

Check out 5 advantages of developing your intuition!

1. You will feel more secure in the midst of uncertainty

When you have a clearer idea of โ€‹โ€‹who you are, what your essence is and which path you should follow, more or less because you know what makes sense to you, you start to not feel so bad in the face of anguish and uncertainties.

And that happens because you know who you are, what makes you feel good and what your journey is. So it becomes easier to deal with some unpleasant or stressful situation and then put yourself on your way once you get over it. Trusting your intention, you have a powerful compass in your hands.

5 benefits of developing your intuition
Valentin Antonucci / Pexels

2. Your decisions are more aligned with what is good for you

There are those who consider intuition a spiritual thing, but let us consider that it is not. Considering the psychological aspect, everything we go through, live, feel, observe, hear โ€” and so on โ€” builds our imagination and the way we behave in the world. Even if we don't realize this process, it happens every day, even right now.

So when your intuition โ€œtellsโ€ you something, it is your accumulation of experiences, wisdom and information coming to a conclusion based on everything you have experienced in life. So while this intuition deserves further investigation, it is a good starting point for making a good decision.

3. You escape the emotional versus rational war

Let's assume a hypothetical situation. You've fallen in love with someone, and that person lives in another state; the only chance for them to be together is for you to drop all your stability where you live and move there.

5 benefits of developing your intuition
eah Kelley / Pexels

Using reason, maybe it's not good to leave everything here for a feeling that can change overnight, right? And the emotion perhaps indicates that the best thing to do is simply to surrender body and soul to loveโ€ฆ How to balance the two things?

Maybe you don't need to balance, just try to "shut up" these two voices and let your intuition point the way.

4. You feel less guilt

Have you ever had the painful experience of regretting something you knew you shouldn't have done? You know that "I knew I shouldn't have given this person a chance" thing or "I knew I shouldn't have turned down that job offer" thing. It's not that you knew, you felt. It was her intuition speaking.

Ending up regretting having done something is bad, but even worse is regretting having failed to do something you wanted to do. So when you listen to your intuition, but things don't work out in the end, at least you know you did what your essence "told" you to do. That's life that goes on!

5. You are more honest with yourself

How many times, in the eagerness to please someone or in the ambition to conquer more and more, do we stop hearing if that is really what makes sense to us? It is normal, when dealing with the many stimuli we receive in the busy life and full of discussions and information that we live today, that we end up disregarding our opinion and our feelings.

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When you listen to your intuition more, you are, deep down, honest and sincere with yourself. Sometimes you feel like you want something or that the best decision is that, but you can't quite explain why, despite having that feeling. This is intuition, and when you follow it, you can, above all, listen to yourself and do what makes sense to you.

These were just 5 of the many benefits of listening to your intuition throughout life and when you need to make decisions. When you "turn up the volume" of your intuition, you will realize that everything will start to make more sense, and life will get lighter!

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