To whom does he give satisfaction of existence?

    “Tell those who serve you as your rightful owner about your steps. So you want to know who dominates you?

    Know who you cannot oppose or question.”

    The word of the moment called resilience. It serves many purposes, including keeping the balance between impediments or limits and quiet rage.

    Life is incredibly wonderful and we must enjoy every cycle and moment of this very rapid passage through existence. Accumulated experience, we think we are ready and, without knowing that we are ready, we are taken by life to another dimension and everything stays here.

    We have only one opportunity to be free, and that is a matter of will and disposition. Nothing is easy, on the contrary. Everything is very complex and difficult in existence, including our closed beliefs in our universe.

    The Universe sends to us exactly what we transmit as energy and vibration, because we are energy, we are vibrations in millions of cells in the brain and in the body, which feel everything we think. In fact, we don't owe satisfaction to anyone, because satisfaction is satisfying, it comes from serving the other as a possession over us so that they are satisfied by submission. When history tells tragic moments, such as slavery, medieval times, the French revolution, the world of the XNUMXth century, among other difficult and historical moments, these stories tell about authoritarianism, submission and terror by the fear imposed by the feudal or by the powerful.

    Today it doesn't escape much of it, it just changed the scenario and the makeup law. There is only freedom for those who have developed full awareness of spirituality in the sense of detachment from passions and conditioned prisons. Every convention ends if it is too tiring in routine, in obligations. Nothing worse than doing or being where you don't like.

    To whom does he give satisfaction of existence?
    Asya Cusima / Pexels / Canva

    In the XNUMXst century, we have millions of human beings on Earth, yes, all over the planet doing what they don't like to do, living with those they don't love, carrying and pushing life, dying every day, ceasing to exist as that a new night falls.

    The tissues of the body age, everything moves, time does not wait, perhaps it stops, on the contrary: everything is natural and time has been labeled by many as cruel. I, particularly, as a philosopher, defend total freedom with responsibility for space and spirit, participatory impartiality, accepting life without losing yourself in existence. On the contrary, find yourself, develop your own consciousness in the evolution of your best version.

    Life gains meaning if it is lived out of love, without fear, without obligations that take your existence to the basement of mediocrity. I will be the eternal philosopher, founder of participatory impartiality, in which I see peace of mind, peace between men, only happening without blooming passions, without extreme ideologies. Only with respect and not pointing out will we have peace in the world. There is awareness of the real nature that everything silently observes, behind labels, identity, any convention and conditioning, experience or fears.

    This consciousness dwells in the void, in the zero belonging where outside language everything is silence, so that's where you, dear reader, should focus your attention to achieve freedom without blah blah blah. So look inside yourself and really reflect: who are you outside of language? Who are you without your experience?

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    Satisfaction only for the Universe, only for life. Notice the trees, nature, birds and be aware of that peace within you without letting noises and images distract your attention, without accepting the proposal of precipitation or stress.

    Maintain balance and freedom. It's your life, ruin it as you like in the freedom you have as your zeal, courage. Conquer, live, live until you die...

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