How to get rid of someone or something for good!

There are always two perspectives, two poles in this dualistic universe, which then, like a scientific equation, there is a center where both in a different version merge into a universal truth.

Whether it's letting go of a person, or an experience from the past, every human being on this planet has experienced the feeling of loss, and its consequences in relation to expectation – and also the attachment that it brings. So learning to let go of something is a necessity of life.

You will learn how to use freedom to your advantage, and make it a constant in your life, without the burden of making decisions smothering your happiness.

The best way to end one of the heaviest subjects in the world is to make it easily understandable. Let's see now how the process happens in your body, when you lose something or someone, in which you are suddenly saddened and emotionally shaken when your positive energy is corrupted.

When you have what you love around, without even realizing it, you are exchanging energy. You have been spending that precious energy on something or someone, and you were getting that energy back. If you don't remove your attention and energy from it, you will begin to face an energy deficit. When there is an illusion of perception, as soon as you lose something or someone, your attention is incomplete, something like β€œI can't live without him/it”.

How to get rid of someone or something for good!
Dids / Pexels

This fear is at the center of our entire being, the fear that we will miss the only truth in the entirety of the universe. This idea creates an emotional and spiritual hole within people. The truth is that you have lost nothing but an idea or perspective of what you had, which will no longer be part of your present truth. Thinking that you've "lost a piece of yourself" isn't even remotely true - although we have that feeling.

You have allowed the chemical processes within you and your energy to expand as you connect with this person, place or thing. You are the observer who gave the permission in the first place to experience the feeling of love and interconnectedness. So this was the question that came up: β€œDo you need a person, place or thing to access the feeling of love. Self-love?” The answer is a big NO!

The truth is when we love, we are a whole. We activate a truth of the Universe, in which we are all interconnected. That's why when you feel boundless love, you feel the need to share it and expand it to everything and everyone.

This is why all beings in the universe are expanding through reproduction. Life is creation. A fraction of itself, which through reproduction, implodes in itself, recreating more than once through death. It's amazing the power that life has. This is why the resonance of love is so powerful that it cannot be destroyed, for the Creator is the one who encompasses each and every earthly life.

That's why you must let go of things that are gone, in the past. Life is always an expansion, and if you feel cocooned, you are closing yourself off from this source of loving energy. Let a new fertile ground grow and emanate from your heart and your life, for there will again be a seed of ecstasy and joy to sprout.

How to get rid of someone or something for good!
Rodolfo Quiros / Pexels

Once you realize that everything you really need is within you right now, and that no one can actually take it out of your life, you will never become dependent on anything or anyone again.

Techniques that will help you in this process:

Think for a few seconds: what do you feel when you imagine that everything you need is right inside you, in your soul, right now? Close your eyes, feel your heart. Relax your shoulders and say to yourself: "I am all that is true to myself." Many people need the mental process more than the visual process.

Ask yourself, opening yourself to the possibilities: β€œWhat does this person, place or thing represent and offer me? Is it something I don't have right now?”. If you really miss it all, consider yourself open to an even greater and deeper invitation: Are you allowing yourself to feel or experience everything around you? Remember that you are exactly a mirror of your internal processes.

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  • Reflect on the feeling of possession and detachment

You can also affirm deliverance phrases. Use for material losses and especially for interpersonal relationships. You will cause a mental and emotional cut in this, as if replacing the neural and energetic connection with something that will actually benefit you in this present moment.

Start again thinking that everything is completely perfect, the way it needs to be. I'm not referring to the perfection that society imposes, but the perfection you have in loving! If you are suffering right now, it is because you have the most precious feeling of all, which is love. The Universe is vibrating with you right now, as you are constantly trying to stay on your feet, emanating love, even in times of pain. You are a beautiful cosmic consciousness child, and you are already constantly enjoying the abundance of love, and you are now free to get to know yourself better and get to know the rest of the world! You are free!

β€’ Text translated and adapted by Natalia Iannone from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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