to understand children

Beloved! In response to a request for something to be written here about children, I will try to pass on some considerations according to what is perceived within the therapeutic care combined with the information channeled by our Spiritual Helpers. What caught my attention in the question asked was the following: “Why is it so difficult to educate children today?”.

I could answer in one sentence: because today's children don't need to be educated, they need to be understood… they come ready-made. First of all, I need to say that Earth is making a Transition like never before. This Transition is a very big change, I would say still unimaginable for most people. It is so fast and so deep that we are on the edge of perception, understanding and the ability to bear.

Our parents and grandparents still had a life that was little different from their ancestors, but the generation from 1950 to 1990 turned the planet much bigger than the entire history of humanity. It was in this period that they incarnated not only an avalanche of hardened Spirits, but also millions of Spirits called Indigo Children, whose indigo Blue Aura identified them.

They are the contestants; the apparently revolted; those desirous of change; the restless; finally, those who came to break all the taboos and all the paradigms, because their coming was programmed to really make the necessary changes on this Planet in Transition.

From the 90's, the indigos were rarer and the children called Cristal came, whose crystalline aura easily identify them. Not only your aura, but the entire foundation of your structure is changed. Until the Indigos, the base of their bodies was still as it always was, that is, CARBON BASE. The body of the Cristal children comes with the CRYSTALLINE BASE.

This Crystalline Base is nothing more than an energy of pure crystalline Light coming from the Central Sun of the Galaxy, which is in fact the energy that the Earth currently receives, which will move the entire planetary structure, from geography, animal, plant kingdoms. and human. This crystalline energy is bringing the conditions for the New Human Consciousness to install itself and promote the emergence of the New Earth, that is, the Planetary Ascension to a Fifth Dimensional world.

to understand children
Pixabay / Pexels

So the Crystal Children already come with their new DNA which is actually called GNA as it is no longer planetary but galactic. It will make humans equal to the higher worlds of the Galaxy. It is the NEW HUMAN emerging.

This wave of Crystal Children started more or less in 1993, the number gradually increased, until, at the end of 2012, all children born fit into this energy. There are even several classifications within the so-called Crystal. Although they all are, some have different missions, which distinguish them through their somewhat diverse aura. Some are called Diamond because the aura is diamond. These are pure Light. Just your presence to change the environment. Others are Emerald, as the emerald green aura identifies their healing power. Others are Rainbows, as their multicolored aura identifies them with multiple powers. Anyway, this classification is not limited to half a dozen colors. There are children prepared for anything the Earth may need. Nor does the individual function of each one matter; what matters is that they are all pure energy of Light.

Their presence, by itself, already promotes changes in everyone and everything around them. As they have a very subtle energy, they suffer in a way, as they need to transmute the heavy energies of the environments in which they are. Pay attention to children and see how they react in the presence of certain people, in certain environments and places. How they react when eating certain foods, in short, such a reaction is visible, because most of the time they cry, get uncomfortable or rebel in order to avoid any situation that causes them discomfort.

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Then, I answer the question asked: “WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT TO EDUCATE CHILDREN TODAY?”.

In fact, they come ready-made. They don't need to be educated, just understood. And I say more: who needs to be educated is the father, the mother, the teacher, the uncle, the aunt, the grandparents, etc.

Not necessarily to educate the elders, but to guide them so that they can understand these divine beings who are there, with the sole function of enlightening us.

I have experience at work, such guidance to parents. But mainly when we treat the energy of these children. As they wear out a lot in their function of transmuting, they can be left with symptoms of poor health. Not that they are sick, but their appearance denotes such a feeling. With Reiki, this energy can be balanced and they become completely healthy, happy and loving children, which is an innate characteristic in them.

to understand children
Victoria Borodinova / Pexels

Crystal Children do not get sick, except in some cases where there is still karmic rescue, which are rare, but they will present symptoms, and one must be aware, because most of the time, there are no proven justifications and the medicines do not bring benefits either. A crystalline body does not accept a number of things, including anything that contains chemicals.

The current education system itself does not serve these children. They will become more and more disinterested, for they know that such lessons will be of no use later on. All the knowledge they need is already within them. I am sure that within a few years, as everything will change in this world, the teaching will adapt to the needs of these children who are, in fact, bodies of pure and Crystalline Light.

Finally, I leave here a recommendation to those responsible for the children, whether parents, teachers, grandparents or anyone else: “when dealing with a Crystal Child, forget everything you learned before 2012. old rules and concepts; use your heart, that is, feel. Using the heart as a guide, you will be using not the addicted mind, but the emotional, loving consciousness ruled by the purest crystalline energy that is love in its highest degree.”

Today's children need examples and understanding more than education itself. Show me a child and I'll tell you who its parents are.

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