What kind of therapy should I do?

Okay, you decided to go to therapy, but now you have no idea how to start this task of finding a therapist that is the most recommended to meet your demands? We can help you!

Over centuries of development, psychology has developed different approaches, that is, different methods of diagnosing and treating problems, of helping patients to understand how it is possible to deal with their issues and, of course, of relieving their tensions, their fears. , their anguish and their pain. Each of these approaches is quite different from each other, so it's important that you know the main ones and ask your therapist which approach they work with when starting therapy.

Check out in this article the main approaches of psychology, but know that there are many others that can help you in your processes:

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Also known by the acronym CBT, this therapy has as main objective to modify and transform dysfunctional thoughts, that is, those that hinder and harm the quality of life, for example: "I deserve everything bad that happens to me" or "I always do everything wrong." ”. Through therapy sessions and exercises recommended by the professional, it will be possible to modify these thoughts and understand how they can be fought. It is the most suitable therapy for those who have a specific, urgent or emergency problem, such as difficulty in self-esteem or socialization, as well as symptoms of depression, among others. Between 20 and 30 sessions it will be possible to improve notes in relation to the problem.

Analytic-behavior therapy

It is one of the most recommended therapies for those who have behavior problems, especially for urgent and emergency cases. Problems such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic syndrome, depression, social phobia, learning difficulties and chemical dependency are some of the ones that present better results with this type of therapy, precisely because its focus is to address the patient's behavior, their relationships with the environment and with themselves. Her main job is to stimulate positive reinforcements that help change self-destructive behaviors that are harmful to quality of life.

What kind of therapy should I do?
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In psychoanalysis, therapy created by Sigmund Freud, the method is quite different from CBT. Instead of the exercises proposed by the cognitive-behavioral therapist and the interventions he makes in the therapy sessions, the psychoanalyst lets the patient speak freely, making only punctual connections between what was said by the patient before and what is said in the present, with the aim of encouraging the patient to understand himself and to change what he believes can be improved in his life. CBT is a more recommended therapy for specific problems, while psychoanalysis is indicated for those who want to know their layers more deeply or for those who have chronic problems or of a very rooted origin.

existential phenomenology

Also recommended for people who want to go deeper into a process of self-knowledge and are not dealing with such urgent or emergency issues, existential phenomenology has a good part of its origins in philosophy, so it is a therapy that understands each human being as a unique individual. and singular, but at the same time sharing the environment and the world with others. It is a type of therapy that does not believe in formulas working, since each person is unique. It is suitable for those who want to talk about existential, deep and limiting issues, such as fears, anxieties and anguish.

What kind of therapy should I do?
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Lacanian therapy

It has some similarities with psychoanalytic therapy, but the therapist makes more interventions and is always very attentive to the details of the patient's speech, as well as the jokes, the forgettings, the slips and every little detail of what is said. Dreams are very important to therapists who work with this approach, as they believe that is where the understanding for problems, especially the deeper ones lies. It is not a type of therapy suitable for those who want to address more pressing problems, because it aims to work on the deeper issues of the personality and past experiences.

Jungian therapy

The psychology developed by Carl Gustav Jung, which is applied by therapists who follow his approach, usually involves dreams. It is through the dreamlike occurrences that the professional will help the patient to find solutions to their problems and answers to the questions that bother them. There are other techniques suggested by the therapist, such as drawings and exercises with miniatures and a sandbox, so that it is possible to visualize the scenarios of dreams and thoughts. In this type of therapy, the person who leads the conversation is the professional, who makes the dialogue of the session revolve around the problems reported by the patient. It is recommended for those who want to understand deep questions about themselves.

Cognitive-Constructivist Therapy

There are three main target audiences for this type of approach: people who have suffered brain damage and/or injuries, patients with degenerative diseases and those who are looking for more focus, concentration and other types of “improvement” for the brain, such as people who are preparing for courses, competitions and entrance exams. These are the main patients of this type of professional because the focus of this therapy is not only on emotional and psychological issues, but also on physical health, since it considers the role of the central nervous system in all issues that, at first glance, are purely psychological.


The gestalt therapist pays attention to the dialogue with the patient, of course, but also keeps an eye on the surroundings, for example: how is his relationship with friends, family and work, as well as what postures he adopts among these environments and people. In addition, this type of professional is always attentive to the patient's body movements, posture, gestures, tone of voice and facial expressions, because he believes that what is often said is beyond words. It is a therapy that, despite touching on issues related to the past and the future, of course, has the present as its focus. It is a recommended therapy for those who are finding difficulties with the present moment and current life situations.

What kind of therapy should I do?
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Therapy recommended especially for people who have gone through traumatic events and find it difficult to deal with them and even talk about these situations. Stimulated by the therapist, the patient simulates eye movements that occur during the REM phase of sleep. According to those who believe in the effectiveness of this therapy, this movement causes the brain to reconstruct the “path” of bad memories and traumatic events, helping the person to better deal with them and eventually overcome them.


Usually performed in a group, it encourages patients to interpret and act out uncomfortable situations and problems. After these performances, the group, stimulated by the professional, discusses the situations presented and exposes the feelings of the process. Those who advocate this approach report that externalizing emotions makes it easier to notice their existence and how they affect and exert power over us. Despite scaring more shy people, psychodrama allows people to participate only as listeners or take part only in discussions, leaving the role-playing part a little to the side.

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holistic therapies

Regardless of your intention when seeking therapy, the recommended thing is to look for a psychologist regardless of your approach. Once therapy has begun, discuss with him the possibility of seeking the help of holistic therapy. Do not neglect the need for therapy, replacing it only with holistic therapy. Psychological disorders are not spiritual problems and therefore cannot be treated by spiritual practices. Treat holistic therapies as alternative therapies for your treatment. That said, check out some alternative therapies:

Aromatherapy: Makes use of essential oils to promote or combat feelings, emotions and thoughts;

Art Therapy: Using paintings, collages, drawing, poetry, writing, music, among others, the therapist uses art for treatment;

Ayurveda: It uses methods of ancient Indian medicine technique;

Chromotherapy: Through the manipulation of colors and lights, it promotes psychotherapeutic treatment;

Hypnotherapy: The therapist uses hypnosis to treat patients;

Phytotherapy: The professional uses plants, herbs and other natural methods to perform the treatment;

chiropractic: Through adjustments to the neuromusculoskeletal system, the professional can treat problems in the nervous system, health and mind;

Yoga: A set of techniques associated with meditation that help control the body and mind.

So, which approach to psychology best suits your demands right now? Which one can help you deal more effectively with your problems? If you couldn't make up your mind, look for a professional, schedule a session and take the first steps towards your improvement! If this therapy doesn't work for you, you can always start another one, with another practitioner and another approach. Go in search of getting to know yourself!

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