To be happy, walk with someone happy.

    There is a saying that the positive attracts the positive and the negative attracts the negative. And in our relationships it couldn't be different. You know when you start to get tired of people who only complain, who don't see satisfaction in anything or who put you down? When hanging out with people like that, how do you feel about your self-esteem? Don't you get discouraged? And it is no less. That's what a study showed that says the following: to be happy, walk with someone happy!

    This result was published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. According to this study, to feel happier, just walk like a happy person. To reach the conclusions, the researchers enlisted the help of a group that had to walk for 15 minutes on a treadmill while some factors were analyzed.

    To be happy, walk with someone happy.

    To do the full analysis of the results, the participants were also accompanied by cameras with motion sensors. On the screen were also actions that could be measured as left “depressed” and right when they were “happy”. But before going to the treadmill, they read a list of positive and negative words.

    Other studies point to the same. And it's not that much of a surprise if we check the results. In practice, you may not feel all that happy on a given day, but when you find someone who is lucid and more animated, you feel even better. Will you say no? This doesn't mean your sadness will pass, but you will feel less sad.

    The same occurs for those people who have contact with negative people with a certain frequency. Many even say that they always seem to be carrying a 'burden' feeling their life is heavy and that's exactly what happens. Of course, in many cases it is difficult to get rid of these people or put them aside, but a tip is not to get into their mental confusion or increase their problems even more.

    And forget or put aside the desire to help, sometimes it's really hard. Being silent or listening is already great. Don't emphasize your problem and try to understand, as well as showing other ways.

    And have you done this exercise? Did you observe your companies? No one needs to be a clown to cheer up the group, but it is convenient that in times of crisis and difficult a good cheerful company always goes down well.

    Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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