Tips for respecting your healing process

Nobody likes to be frustrated and suffer, right? But, unfortunately, this is part of our journey. When we go through situations like this, "putting the house in order" and taking steps towards healing and a better life is complicated...

That's why we've prepared a list of 8 tips for you to better accept and respect your healing process and the time it takes place.

1 – Seek help

Tips for respecting your healing process
Name Tip / Pixabay

Going through a period of overcoming difficulties alone can be difficult. So a good way to respect your healing process is to recognize your limits and understand that asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of, because it can help you heal.

And there are essentially two ways to ask for help. The first is to stay close to the people you love, talking to them and sharing the victories and also the frustrations. The second way is to look for a psychologist, who will help you, through therapy, on this journey of healing and self-knowledge.

2 – Set realistic goals

No setting 2 hours of running a day if you've spent the last few months without even being able to bring yourself to get out of bed. Start with realistic goals, which will avoid frustration and still bring that little taste of victory. Remember: you are not a machine, so you need to respect yourself.

Instead of trying to solve ten problems in a week, focus on one and take small steps. This is how you will be able to feel advancement and development in your walk again, as well as the sweet taste of victory.

3 – Cherish the small victories

Tips for respecting your healing process
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

And here comes our next tip: cherish the small achievements. Were you able to get up ten minutes early? Celebrate! Couldn't exercise every day of the week, but did it half the time? It's a beginning! Learn to see value in yourself after the small achievements.

Training in a course, a promotion at work, a wedding... All these events bring this feeling and are very important, but we also need to learn to celebrate the small achievements of our daily lives, which are essential to keep our spirits and motivation. in day.

4 – Find your spirituality

Thinking that we are alone in this world, that there is nothing behind life, destiny and our journey, is almost automatic when we are going through a situation of suffering and pain, which can leave us skeptical and without hope of improvement. .

So it is important that you try to connect to something higher. It can be a religion, a belief, a ritual… Or, if you are an agnostic or atheist, at least try to focus on your plans, dreams and goals, that is, everything that motivates you to live and move forward.

5 – Feel pleasure being with you

Tips for respecting your healing process
Carola68 The world is colorful…… / Pixabay

You are the person you spend the most time with in your life. Therefore, maintaining a good relationship with yourself is essential to have a good quality of life. This includes a lot, and one of them is liking yourself, being able to see and value your qualities, despite the flaws and flaws (which we all have, remember).

Another important thing is to find hobbies and activities that you can do in the moments when you are not in the company of someone, which will be essential for you not only to enjoy being with yourself, but also to come to desire these moments of solitude.

6 – Accept the suffering (and resignify)

One who wants to escape suffering, avoid pain and disappointment will surely encounter the greatest frustration of his life. From a very early age, we are sold on the idea that we should look for happiness all the time and above all, so we feel like failures in moments of sadness.

When, however, we understand that sufferings are part of life and that, at one time or another, they will happen, we make peace with the way our journey works and we also understand that everyone is suffering or will suffer at some point, because it's how life works.

7 – Never compare

Tips for respecting your healing process
freepic.diller / freepik

And here's this tip: stop comparing yourself to the other. Stop comparing your bank account, your relationship (or your singleness), the house you live in, your car (or the car you don't have), friends, family... world is suffering or will suffer… It's life.

So nobody has a perfect life. That couple photo on social media can hide a not-so-good relationship. That ostentation can hide many needs that the person goes through… Anyway, don't rely on what people show of their lives to determine your own value and your recovery.

8 – Be patient with yourself

It's not a competition. It's not a race. There are no deadlines and goals that need to be beaten. So respect your process, be patient with yourself and take one step after another to value your daily efforts. A big change takes place with small steps.

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Now that you have some tips on how to go through your healing and recovery process more smoothly, be patient with yourself and live day after day without getting too heavy with yourself. Good recovery! Soon, you will be 100% again!

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