Tips for healthy aging

An individual aged 60 years is considered elderly. A long time ago, the elderly did not expect much. Playing dominoes, reading the newspaper and watching television were the men's diversions. Crocheting, knitting and embroidering sitting in the rocking chair were women's pastimes. The couple had fun taking care of their grandchildren.

It was as if old age was an end. After raising the children and working there was nothing else to do. As people started working, got married and had children early and life expectancy was low, retirement came very early compared to today. At 45, 50, women and men were already considered unproductive in every way.

However, basic sanitation, the discovery of vaccines and medicines extended life. Currently, it is estimated that the expectation in España for women is 78 years. Men live an average of 71 years. However, such advances do not mean healthier lives. Life extension came with a number of problems.

Air conditioning prevents external dirt from entering the environment, as long as the filters are clean. However, it is useless if the place has carpets full of dust mites and people smoking. In this case, the device circulates the pollutants.

Currently, more and more work is being done. Live less and less. As the song “Capitão de Indústria” by Paralamas says, there is no “free time to be”. Wake up, sleep and run to work. The achievements achieved by strenuous workdays lose their value. However, there is no way to throw it all away and go raise chickens. Even the bare minimum is very expensive.

The intransigence of governments in not investing in public transport causes people to be transported precariously. Show horses and cattle are better treated in transport. To escape the pinch, the car is the solution. And off we go to work, stressing body and mind until we liquidate our stocks to pay off the financing.

The car is the solution for you. And also for millions. In SĂŁo Paulo, during 2014, 509 vehicles were licensed per day. Imagine the volume of toxic gases from these 186 cars. Carbon monoxide invades the bloodstream. It causes headache, respiratory diseases, leading to death. Methane and benzene are carcinogens and contribute to global warming. Nitrogen oxide also raises the temperature of the planet. Eye irritation, respiratory and cardiovascular problems are consequences of exposure to this gas.

Pollution-related diseases

Tips for healthy aging
Photo by Markus Distelrath on Pexels
  • Asthma: Children exposed to pollution, the lungs work slower. This causes breathing problems. Asthma is very common in this group. The disease, when not treated properly, leads to death. According to experts, there are 8 deaths a day in the country.
  • Rhinitis and bronchitis: Rhinitis is linked to asthma. Almost 80% of asthmatics have rhinitis. Causes nose and throat irritation, nasal congestion and coughing. Bronchitis can be acute, accompanied by flu or other respiratory illness. The chronic triggers several and recurrent crises. Fatigue, coughing up secretions, shortness of breath and wheezing are the symptoms. Both can also be fatal.
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Destroys the pulmonary alveoli. Similar to honeycombs, they are structures responsible for pulmonary hematosis. The procedure is gas exchange between blood and air in the lungs. The disease inflames the respiratory system. Bronchitis and pneumonia are the main manifestations of COPD.
  • Lung cancer: The disease with high mortality rates in the world is also a consequence of pollution. Projections from the National Cancer Institute point to 27.350 new cases between 2014/2015. Green fuels, and above all, green public transport policies need to be developed and enforced yesterday.  

The link between pollution, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

Tips for healthy aging
Kaique Rocha's photo at Pexels

Still with SĂŁo Paulo as an example, pollution is equivalent to smoking 1500 cigarettes a year. Exposure to lead, cadmium and mercury is linked to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. According to research data published in the journal F1000Research, where mice were used in the study, there were changes such as the development of Alzheimer's amyloid plaques after contact with aerosol nickel nanoparticles, present in pollution. However, it is worth noting that the researchers' work is still in its infancy, and it is still not possible to say how pollution effectively interferes with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Even in big cities it is possible to reach the elderly with physical and mental health. Positive attitudes during youth lead to a healthy old age. Physical activity, drinking lots of water, healthy eating, exercising the brain, sleeping well, cultivating friendships and positive thinking make old age the best age. See how such acts contribute to healthy aging.

Physical activity

Prevents hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease and osteoporosis. It brings a lot of energy and is a great way to make new friends. Attention, consult a doctor and a physical educator before starting any exercise. But, for starters, walk around the block, if you live in a building with a block, walk around the dependency.

Drink water

Tips for healthy aging
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

There she is. You can't talk about healthy living without it. Drink two liters a day. The liquid facilitates digestion, prevents infections and absorbs nutrients from food. Water keeps skin and hair always beautiful.

Healthy eating

Tips for healthy aging
Photo by Ella Olsson from Pexels

Fruits and vegetables should be companions. Invest in good fats. Consume avocado (in natura and as oil), fish, olives and nut butter. The egg, once a villain, is now recognized as one of the richest foods. Choline is good for the brain, nervous system and cardiovascular system. Dark chocolate improves blood vessel function. Olive oil is great for the heart, reduces blood pressure and prevents some types of cancer. Nuts lower risk of heart problems and type 2 diabetes. Flaxseed is also heart-friendly. Moderation is the secret to getting the best out of these foods. Milk, a source of calcium and vitamin D, strengthens bones, preventing osteoporosis.

exercise the brain

Tips for healthy aging
Cottonbro's photo on Pexels

He also needs to be encouraged. Studying, watching movies, doing crossword puzzles, memory exercises are great exercises. In the words of the geriatrician João Toniolo, these activities work as a “mental physical therapy” and leave the memory and reasoning ability tinkling. To prove this, just look at the elderly who practice intellectual activities. They think fast and have an elephant's memory.

Sleep well

Tips for healthy aging
Photo by Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush on Pexels

Bad mood and lack of concentration are not the only problems with poor sleep. Memory lapses, weight gain, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety and depression can all arise. To get a good night's sleep, drink caffeine no more than six hours before bed. No TV, computer or cell phone in the room. Light inhibits the production of melatonin. The hormone adjusts our biological clock. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night following these tips, your body will thank you very much.

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cultivate friendships

Tips for healthy aging
Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels

The loss of a spouse, the independence of children bring depression. Hence the importance of friendships. Research carried out by Brigham Young University (USA) proves that people with friends live 50% longer. The study also points out that loneliness brings more harm than obesity. The data was published in the journal PLoS Medicine and still reveals that the effects of loneliness are equivalent to 15 cigarettes a day and alcoholism. Do not refuse invitations to movies, lunches, dinners, dances or any other social activity. Talking, smiling does a damn good to the body and mind. Widowers, beware: these programs may not create a new passion.

Positive thinking

Tips for healthy aging
Andrea Piacquadio's photo at Pexels

Psychologist Sylvia Flores says that words “determine our attitudes towards life”. Flores still recounts the self-fulfilling prophecy. When we say something to someone (the other or ourselves), it gains such force that it becomes true. So, bye, pessimism. Negative feelings increase the level of cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress. This raises blood sugar, blood pressure and affects the immune system. See you and the world with good eyes. You and the world are what you say. When you're not feeling well, go for a walk, talk to a friend. Practice meditation or yoga, techniques aimed at discovering and connecting with the inner self.


Tips for healthy aging
Photo from LinkedIn Sales Navigator not Pexels

Important in anyone's life. From the age of 45, take this battery of exams annually. Prevention is always the best medicine. Treating an illness that is discovered early is more effective and less painful. See what the check up evaluates:

  • Lifestyle
  • Risks of diabetes and cardiovascular disease
  • Risks of depression
  • Risks of difficulty or loss of mobility
  • Guidance on the risks of smoking

Many hospitals have exclusive spaces for the check up. Mark this commitment to your health on your agenda. Your life thanks you for this gesture of affection.

The third age has everything to be the best age. You've already worked, raised children and owes no one anything. Many people at this stage say they are reborn. They enjoy life to the fullest, dance, travel, go back to school, date. Don't they say that love is ageless? Whoever said that is absolutely right.

sex and seniors

Tips for healthy aging
Photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels

The launch of Viagra in 1998 ushered in a sexual revolution. With the drug, men were able to experience their sexuality more fully. Vaginal lubricants allow older women to have trouble-free sex.

Premature ejaculation is no longer a torment, as advancing age delays ejaculation. The sexual frequency is lower, however, the perception of it is different. Orgasm is no longer a contest. The preliminaries are highlighted and are as pleasurable as the consummation of the act.

Seek medical advice before taking any medication. Enjoy sex without nerves. Peaceful grandmothers and grandfathers sitting in rocking chairs are a thing of the past. The elderly can and should have an active life in every way. How about we recap the paths to aging in good health?

New seniors simply want the best. Anyone who ignores this is out. The eagerness for novelties stirs the market. Tourism realized this a long time ago. The Travel Better Seniors program with prices and payment conditions has already taken this group to the four corners of Spain.

It is the internet? Nothing escapes them. With the help of their grandchildren, in courses aimed at seniors or alone, the elderly unravel the mysteries and discover the wonders of the network. Chatting with friends, arranging tours, flirting, shopping… Our experienced friends do the same things as younger ones. If you are elderly and attuned to technologies, or your parents and grandparents are on this team, a super cool tip is the website. There in tips on health, education, jobs, tourism, as well as a space dedicated to the rights of the best age. Also know the non-Facebook profile.  The page is full of messages that infect everyone.

This chat was very good. Talking about aging healthily shines a light in our tunnels. The ideal is to have positive attitudes since always, but it's never too late to be more affectionate with ourselves, isn't it? Of course, sadness sometimes beats in the hearts of these experienced youngsters. However, you cannot drop the shuttlecock. The business is moving forward. Life begins at 40, the sixties are in their prime. It is true that at age 50, the immune system undergoes changes and the body is more vulnerable, however, aging is not the end.. Putting our tips into practice, the aging process is very healthy.

To end today's conversation, there is nothing better than the thought of the Greek playwright Sophocles:

Nobody loves life as much as the man who is getting old.

Article written by Sumaia Santana from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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