Tips for detoxifying the body

Tips for detoxifying the body

Most of us are exposed to toxic agents every day, with rare exceptions. Air pollution, which surrounds us in countless environments, is so serious that the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that seven million people die each year from strokes, lung cancer, chronic lung diseases and infections. diverse respiratory; problems caused by the impregnation of polluted air particles in the lungs and cardiovascular system. If the dangers of pollution already scare you, beware, because these same risks are presented by any other toxic agents, in general.

Within this subject, eating habits can also be great villains. The consumption of industrialized products, for example – which are added to a series of preservatives, stabilizers, dyes, sodium and other chemical compounds that enhance the flavor –, intoxicate the organism in the same severity as pollution.

Therefore, it is essential to collaborate with the internal cleaning of the body and assist our body in the elimination of toxins and waste that are harmful to health. Get to know now, some easy ways to detoxify your body and include these habits in your life, to always stay healthy and promote well-being!

Drink water

Water itself is a great detoxifying agent because, in addition to helping the kidneys to eliminate toxins that cause diseases, it also keeps the body hydrated, preventing the retention of liquids and harmful elements agglutinating to them.

Drinking a glass of water with lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach also helps balance pH and promote alkalinity, which helps to eliminate toxins. This solution, composed of vitamin C from lemon, helps to strengthen the immune system, has anti-inflammatory and healing action, purges toxins from the digestive system, fights nausea, acidity and indigestion, improves oral health (breath, dental and gums), helps to lower blood sugar, reduces the desire to drink coffee and also makes you feel full.

Do detox and other juices

Consuming a fresh juice (made at the time you drink it) also helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Give preference to those made with their own fruits or vegetables! Here are some suggestions:

  • Acai berry Bowl – considered a superfood, it is rich in fiber, minerals, antioxidants and phytosterols, which compete with bad cholesterol in the intestinal wall and make it difficult to absorb this fat, helping to eliminate its excess. The malic and tartaric acids contained in the pulp help eliminate metals from the body and provide energy.
  • Cherry - It is a source of vitamin C, potassium and fiber, which are important for providing muscle energy. It has a laxative effect and can detoxify the body, as it helps to eliminate fluid retention and toxins.
  • Orange - contains the antioxidant hesperidin, which lowers the risk of heart disease. It also contains limonoid, which causes the liver to release more toxins from the body.
  • pomegranate – with low sugar content, depurative properties, fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants, this fruit, in addition to being detox, is considered anticancer (prostate cancer prevention) and helps reduce bad cholesterol levels (LDL).
  • Purple grape - supports the circulatory system, purifies the blood, improves liver function, eliminates toxins from the body and contains antioxidants that reduce bad cholesterol.
  • Blueberry (blueberry) – considered the “king of natural antioxidants” and the “fruit of youth”, the blueberry contains vitamins A, B and C. With a good amount of fiber, this fruit improves the functioning of the digestive system and reduces the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). ) and blood glucose. Rich in polyphenols and flavonoids such as anthocyanin, it fights inflammation and the action of free radicals in the body, having anticancer and antioxidant properties. Protects organs and tissues against the action of time. A serving of 150 grams throughout the day has many health benefits, but people who use anticoagulants should consult their doctor before consuming it.
  • Aloe vera (babosa) – has healing and restorative power. Attention: before ingesting, it is essential that the internal aloe vera gel is applied on the forearm, to identify a possible irritation, because, if this happens, it should not be ingested. Aloe rind should not be used in juice, as it is very toxic.

Making aloe vera juice:

Remove only the transparent gel from a medium aloe vera leaf (the peel should not be used) and blend in a blender with ½ liter of drinking water, until obtaining a liquid consistency. Reserve. Squeeze eight lime oranges and strain the juice. Add it to the blender and blend well. Place in a sterilized bottle with a lid and store in the refrigerator for up to a week. Drink a glass of juice in the morning, on an empty stomach, preferably without sugar.

Eat detox foods

Some fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and, when eaten raw, allow the body to receive enzymes that facilitate digestion and improve the absorption of nutrients, since fiber and water, which help to eliminate toxins, remain preserved. To get vitamin B6, choose to eat bananas, raspberries, lettuce, kale, parsley, apples and melons. Guava, cashew, kiwi, strawberry and cabbage all have vitamin C. Blackberries, pink and red grapes, watercress and arugula have iron. Broccoli and sesame, flax and chia seeds are rich in calcium. Almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, pecans and cashews are rich in zinc. Pumpkin and papaya are sources of magnesium.

Enzymes present in the decomposition of protopectin contained in fruits produce a substance called pectin, present in the pulp, around the seeds and pits and close to the skin. It binds to toxins present in the intestine and helps with their elimination, driving them out of the body. Protopectin is found mainly in fruits such as plums, apricots, guava, jabuticaba, orange, apple, pear, peach, tangerine and black grapes.

There are also probiotics – microorganisms that help improve digestion and make the intestine work better, eliminating toxins. When consumed in the morning or at night, they allow for better results. Yogurts, for example, are natural foods that contain probiotics, but there are industrialized products in powder, pills or liquids containing these same microorganisms. A doctor, however, should be consulted before purchasing the product in the industrialized version.

Fibers, in turn, help in cleaning the intestines, sweeping toxins out of the body, as they facilitate elimination through feces. They can be found in whole-wheat flour, pasta, rice and whole-grain breads, raw vegetables and fruits, among other foods.

Last but not least, the consumption of green banana flour is recommended! The resistant starch, characteristic of this flour, arrives intact in the intestine and produces substances that feed the good bacteria and form a barrier against the bad bacteria, favoring the intestinal microbiota and collaborating for the better absorption of nutrients and for the elimination of residues and toxins from the body. body. Green banana flour can be used in cakes, cookies, soups, smoothies, sauces and other preparations, even replacing the white flour that most people are used to.

Avoid consumption of foods with toxins

To detoxify your body, it is essential to eliminate some agents that contribute to slow the elimination of waste, in addition to being sources of toxins in themselves. Try to eliminate from your life, at least for a period, alcoholic beverages, which interfere with the proper functioning of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal system, in addition to negatively affecting the immune system, among other damages. Also exclude sodas: they contain excess sugar, salt (which causes fluid retention and makes it difficult to eliminate toxins), dyes, stabilizers, phosphoric acid and other ingredients that overload the kidneys, make digestion difficult and unbalance the pH.

Prefer natural seasonings

Ready-to-eat sauces to season salads and other preparations, in addition to containing excess fat and sodium, have chemical substances for preservation, to give appearance and flavor, in addition to the packaging. Simple alternatives, such as lemon juice, herbs (parsley, oregano, basil, etc.) and apple cider vinegar, contain antioxidant substances, strengthen immunity and make the body more active against toxins. Olive oil lubricates the intestines and supports the elimination of harmful substances, as well as helping to speed up metabolism.

Turmeric, for example, can be used as a seasoning for meats, rice, broths and soups. From the same family as ginger, it is rich in calcium and vitamins A, C and D. It is a spice with anti-inflammatory action, which reduces the risk of heart disease, strengthens the brain, helps fight depression, increases antioxidant action. and helps in the treatment of arthritis. The curcuminoids contained in turmeric (another name for turmeric) protect and help the liver, which is responsible for detoxifying the body. To use it, simply mix a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass (200 ml) of water.

Clean the house with natural products

There are chemical components in industrialized cleaning products such as formaldehyde, chlorine, petroleum derivatives and ammonia that intoxicate the body and can cause asthma, skin problems, allergies, cancer and other problems.

Healthy alternatives based on baking soda, white vinegar, lemon juice and vegetable oil can be used with great success and well-being.

Make a multipurpose detergent to clean kitchen cabinets, stoves, ovens, sinks and microwaves, mixing ½ cup (tea) of baking soda and ¼ cup (tea) of warm water, in a container. Let it rest for five minutes. Add ¼ cup (tea) of lemon juice and a cup (tea) of neutral liquid soap. Mix well to homogenize.

To clean glass and mirrors, put ÂĽ cup (tea) of vinegar, a spoon (soup) of lemon juice and two cups (tea) of water in a spray bottle. Shake and spray the surface. Dry with a soft cloth or newspaper.

In the case of cleaning ceramic floors, mix 4 ½ liters of water, ¼ cup (tea) of white vinegar and a teaspoon of lemon juice in a bucket. Apply to the floor and spread baking soda over the entire surface. Let it act for five minutes and rinse with water.

When cleaning the bathroom, put the juice of a lemon and a cup (tea) of neutral liquid soap in a spray bottle. Mix and apply to desired surface. In the case of the toilet, spread a cup (tea) of baking soda and let it act for five minutes. Scrub with a sponge or brush. Rinse very well.

To polish wooden furniture and doors, mix three tablespoons of lemon juice and ½ cup of vegetable (cooking) oil in a bottle with a lid. Apply the liquid to a cleaning cloth (not directly on the surface) and then apply to furniture or doors in a circular motion. It is important to note that mixtures that include lemon in the preparation have a shelf life of one week.

Practice physical exercises

Sweating is a great facilitator of the elimination of toxins from the body through sweat, as well as helping to lose weight, control blood pressure, improve posture and other benefits. Including 30 minutes of vigorous exercise in your daily routine – such as taking a brisk walk on a ramp or uphill street – is enough to detoxify.

Perform lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is a relaxing and therapeutic way to help eliminate toxins from the body, through massage that stimulates the lymphatic system to work faster, reducing fluid retention and activating blood circulation. It should be avoided by people with vascular risk, heart failure, hypertension, thrombosis and infections.

Breathing, perspiration, urine and feces eliminate the toxins that our body receives daily from agents associated with the lifestyle we adopt. When they are intense and constant, however, the body cannot eliminate these wastes and toxins, which end up accumulating. Therefore, in order to maintain health, we can adopt some easy ways to detoxify the body.

Learn breathing techniques

Receiving oxygen is linked to the well-being of the organism. Eliminates viruses and bacteria, as well as calming people in stressful situations. The inhaling and exhaling exercise helps balance the breath and detoxifies the body and mind. Sit comfortably and fill your lungs with air, with one nostril covered with your thumb. Take some. Cover the nostril where the air was inhaled with your index finger and exhale the air through the nostril that was previously covered with your thumb. Repeat the exercise, alternating the nostrils between breathing in and out.

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It is already scientifically proven that smiling (the most accessible detoxifying way) is a great remedy and a therapeutic ally that fights stress and depression, reduces pain and blood pressure, raises the good cholesterol index (HDL), increases circulation. blood, making the heart and lungs healthier, improves digestion, detoxifies the body and slows down the appearance of wrinkles.

We present here some suggestions that you can adopt according to your possibilities and include, gradually or suddenly, in your routine. There are many ways to detoxify yourself, choose the best one for you. The important thing is to take care of your body, the home of your soul, remembering that it reflects the esteem you have for yourself. Good steady detox! Take care of yourself!

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