Tips for activating the area of ​​wisdom

    According to Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese technique of harmonizing spaces, our life is represented by nine areas: family, prosperity, success, relationship, creativity/children, travel/friends, career, health and wisdom.

    In this text, I will emphasize the area of ​​wisdom, which is related to spirituality, the development of the intellect, self-knowledge, mental clarity, self-improvement and intuition.

    The more we expand our knowledge – whether about life or about ourselves –, the more easily we can discern what is ours and what our behavior reflects on society and the world in which we live. This will directly impact the freedom of our life… In other words, how much we are able to express our essence or how much we are “tied” to what is expected of us. For example: working on something we don't like; maintain a facade relationship etc.

    If you are feeling “stuck”, tired of having to meet the expectations of others and/or feel like being more connected to your essence, I will give you tips on how to activate the area of ​​wisdom, using the knowledge of Feng Shui, and , thus changing that energy pattern.

    So here are the tips…

    To activate the Wisdom Area, you can:

    • Paint the wall any shade of blue, yellow or earthy hues.
    • Decorate the space with objects made of clay or ceramics.
    • Place potted plants, with them planted in the ground, not in the water.
    • Hang pictures of mountains or landscapes on the wall that inspire peace and relaxation.
    • If you have an altar, this will be a great spot in the house for it.

    And how do we know where the area of ​​wisdom at home is?

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    • I know…
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    Through Feng Shui, we identify the areas of life through the bagua - an octagonal instrument in which each side, or "gua", represents the main aspects of our life - career, wisdom, family, prosperity, success, relationship, creativity and friends.

    The bagua is always positioned from the main door of the house. Your base will always be wisdom, located on the right side; the career is in the center; and the friends area is located on the left side. That is, most of the time, the area of ​​wisdom will be on the same horizontal line as the front door of the house, and can often be represented exactly in that place.

    Tips for activating the area of ​​wisdom
    spideyspike / 123rf

    Important: every time we want to activate an area of ​​life – and change an energetic pattern – we need to connect, set an intention and believe!

    So, did you like the tips?

    I'm Karis Brito, Holistic Consultant for Organization and Interiors, and my goal is to provide well-being to people who want to make their home a refuge or who don't feel comfortable in their own home or feel that life doesn't move forward. I offer solutions for harmonizing, decorating, organizing and aromatizing the house.

    Want to ask more questions? Please contact me. It will be a joy to help you!

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