THOUGHT DAY – August 13th is thought day and it's a day to think about their quality!

August 13th is thinking day and it's a day to think about their quality!

On this day of thinking, have you ever stopped to think about the quality of your thoughts? How often do you do this?

Thinking is common to all and we never stop thinking, even though we believe in it, in some cases. Often, when we seek meditation, for example, and are asked why we are interested in meditating, the answer is almost always: “I need to learn to stop thinking”. Sure, we can reduce the quantity of thoughts and attribute quality to them, direct them to some focal point or creative idea, but we can't stop thinking.

Another interesting aspect about thoughts is that they come in a variety of types, from useless and negative to neutral and elevated.

In the constant practice of self-knowledge, we learn to control excesses and intensity, because we understand that thought creates more than a mental and emotional state, it impacts the atmosphere, the world, determines the quality of our actions and the types of habits we have.

THOUGHT DAY – August 13th is thought day and it's a day to think about their quality!

What we think echoes and returns to us in some way. Much of our reality is the result of all the content we create mentally.

A thought is a footprint on existence! A constant record of the soul on its own journey. 

Our entire trajectory, what we experience and experience is born before, in thought, and this is the reason why understanding the mind as a space to be well taken care of is so important!

If I consider my mind as a child, I can educate and direct it in a more accurate way. To regard the mind as a child is not a lack of seriousness or a lack of self-confidence. A mind treated like a child is a mind that receives constant loving attention and care. It is a mind that operates from innocence and allows itself to learn. It is therefore a master mind!

A master is only a master because he welcomes each visitor on his journey with resilience. Whether that visitor is something easy and comfortable or something complicated and challenging.

The thoughts of a master mind are aligned with clarity and lightness, allowing nothing heavy to settle in and “stay for tea”.

THOUGHT DAY – August 13th is thought day and it's a day to think about their quality!Within this learning dynamic that is placed in life, there is also no room for sabotaging thoughts, which allows us to experience well-being.

Taking care of thoughts is taking care of mental health and consequently physical health, since even diseases that affect the body can indeed originate from tensions caused by fixed and exhausting ideas. Anxiety, depression, panic attacks and anger don't just arise from issues brought in from the outside, they arise before insisting on the most negative and useless thoughts we have. These thoughts are like daily doses of poison that take the vitality out of existence.

Taking care of thoughts is not controlling them rigidly, but creating and seeking tools for self-observation.

The proposal is not to create a system of robotization and punishment, but of self-observation and self-acceptance. When we perceive ourselves with openness, acceptance and honesty, we can see qualities and points to be adjusted. This contributes to our observation of the world being less reactive and more active. Thoughts come into action in a more organized way and within the precise rhythm and timing.

It is interesting to note that: 

Positive and uplifting thoughts are slower than you think!

For example, just remember the vacations in which the contemplation of a landscape brought the perfect answer to some dilemma or ended with honors some question that had been thought about for a long time, to the point of exhaustion. Many of us have had this experience where peace flooded our being and renewed us as if we were thirst quenched by fresh water.

THOUGHT DAY – August 13th is thought day and it's a day to think about their quality!

What is uplifting and positive is not euphoric, it is compassionate and measured. It doesn't generate too many ideas, but it does the right ideas.

Negative and useless thoughts, on the other hand, move at a faster pace and are usually insistent. This is the reason why many times nothing is done, but the energy is drained. It's like using your cell phone too much without taking a break to recharge it. One hour, the battery runs out.

And what to do to ensure a seal of quality in our thoughts? 

Numerous techniques and practices can contribute to this. Some of them are:

1. Meditation at dawn, breaks during the day to silence and perceive the mental dynamics, if it is too fast or too slow (one minute every hour is enough). Put reminders on your cell phone to help with this technique. There are even applications for personal traffic control. Meditating before bed is essential. Provides the ideal cleaning for a good night's sleep. Let go of what was and guarantee a new day of learning.

THOUGHT DAY – August 13th is thought day and it's a day to think about their quality!

2. Disconnect whenever possible! The world is full of information and we do need to filter it and give it pauses. This “doing nothing” and idleness are fundamental for the rest of the mind. Stand still and contemplate. Only that. Turn off your cell phone, put your feet on the grass, sunbathe, see the sea…

3. Place space for craft activities on the agenda: cooking, writing, sewing or painting. Activities other than your professional area are great. You know that exhaust valve? Behold here.

4. Doing silent retreats is wonderful! The absence of words allows you to visualize the quality of the mind. Go and stay 8 hours to 48 hours in silence. It's refreshing not just for the vocal cords, but regenerating for the brain. Train at home, on a weekend too. Don't wait for the holidays to do that.

5. Practicing active listening in conversations is amazing! We are used to listening to respond, but how about listening to perceive what kind of thought invades your being during some question or position of someone on a certain topic? This can tell you a lot about limitations, preconceptions, fears, real interests and motivators.

6. Rest! Sleep without cell phone in bed, without TV on. Disconnecting two hours before bed helps to generate clearer and cleaner thoughts. When we rest, our brain adjusts to its waves and we surf in calmer waters. The same is true when we meditate or are in relaxation activities, brain waves permeate our existence.

Enjoy today and start treating your mind carefully. What comes from her is important and decisive for her quality of life. Stay tuned!


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