Is your plant sick?

You buy a plant and invest in the best pot, in a quality fertilizer and promise to offer and dedicate all your time to this new life in your home. Everything is going as planned: your plant is beautiful, green and, who knows, even giving new leaves or flowers, but suddenly it loses all its vitality.

Many people don't know, but plants, like us, get sick, and it's very important to know how to identify the causes and symptoms to treat them correctly. Usually bacteria, fungi or viruses can attack them.

But calm down, it is possible to grow your plants, even if you are not an expert in the subject. We separate some tips and possible factors that cause damage and can kill your plant. Check out:


The signs: Insects such as lizards, ants, aphids and mealybugs.

Care: Remove the bugs and spray your plant with neem oil according to the product's instructions.

Lack of light

The signs: Softened and/or faded leaves.

Care: Relocate your plant and place it in the sun according to its species.

excess light

Is your plant sick?
Abriggs21 / Getty Images / Canva

The signs: Curled leaves and new leaves that do not develop.

Care: Place the plant in a shady spot and stop using fertilizers.

Lack of water

The signs: Withered or dry leaves.

Care: Water the plant whenever necessary and especially when the soil is dry.

excess water

The signs: Yellowing or wilted leaves.

Care: Improve the drainage of the pot and see the best way to water the plant.

calcium deficiency

The signs: The leaves turn yellow, from the edges to the center. New leaves may appear necrotic.

Care: Properly fertilize your plant with limestone.

nitrogen deficiency

Is your plant sick?
Goldfinch4ever / Getty Images / Canva

The signs: Light green upper leaves and yellowish lower leaves.

Care: It is necessary to fertilize the plant with chicken manure.

zinc deficiency

The signs: Leaves smaller than usual, deformed or yellowed in the veins.

Care: For everything to return to normal, it is necessary to fertilize the plant with products rich in zinc sulfate.

Iron deficiency

The signs: New leaves whitish or yellowish, with green veins.

Care: Only use organic fertilizer to care for your plant.

magnesium deficiency

The signs: The leaves can get old and yellow in their veins.

Care: Fertilize with products rich in magnesium sulfate and limestone.

Deficiency of potassium

The signs: Leaves yellowed and blackened at the edges.

Care: Fertilize with products rich in potassium.

excess heat

Is your plant sick?
Gkw1 / Getty Images / Canva

The signs: Yellowing leaves that bend and wither.

Care: Place the plant in a cooler location.

lack of fertilizers

The signs: Lower leaves turn yellow and fall off. New leaves do not develop and stems stop growing.

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Care: Understand your growing season and fertilize often.

By taking some care, you can increase the life of your plants and create an even more natural environment in your home.

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