This moment

Hello, someone asked me what was the insight, what was the most important moment of inner discoveries in relation to my experience with Osho, be it a story I read of him or that I witnessed, or a joke he told.

What is the most valuable moment for me in my life? The most valuable moment is this. The most valuable moment is for me to realize that everything that happened doesn't matter. What matters is that my conscience is awake now. And from that awakened awareness there is a natural flow, and that is what matters.

So it's a perspective that what matters is this moment. There was another guy who said... I had three experiences of such an intense presence in my life, so transformative, I was so disidentified with my ego and today I have moments of presence, but they don't come close to those three big moments that I I had.

Could you give me a tip so I can go back to having those three intense moments again? Well, my answer was: to value the moments of presence that he gets... now, if he keeps devaluing the moment of presence he has because he is comparing it with what he had, he is (I actually used that expression) , he's walking with the handbrake on… all the devaluation of the level of presence that I have when comparing it to another level is walking with the handbrake on.

This moment

I have to validate this presence now, and no matter what I had… me thinking about what I had is coming out of this moment, this appreciation that I had is reinforcing an escape from what is already happening, there is no need to be something glorious now… there is a need to be what it is… the consciousness to be this… I have an awakened conscience now.

It could be that my light is not magnificent, it could be that it is not 200 watts at the moment, it could be that it is 2 watts of presence, but I validate those 2 watts, because the light is on… validation is in the light being on and not how much it is on, yes, it may increase, it will probably increase, but it will increase if I am validating this moment of presence now and realizing that from this presence there is a natural flow… that's all that matters…. another video, right, that I recorded… that video was a dream I had… what is the best meditation there is, and again it applies now… in the dream I gave the answer: the best meditation there is is to be present now …

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Ok… something was missing.. I noticed yesterday… I recorded it, what you heard was recorded yesterday… I listened and realized that something is missing… yeah… incomplete truths are dangerous, because they give rise to misunderstandings… I realized that for what I said, which is true…. the best meditation there is is to be present now, what matters is this moment... they are true, but someone can conclude from this or ask me: Nisargan, if what matters is being present now, why do you keep teaching meditation when you've already said that the best meditation there is is being present now?

So it is enough for the person to be present now, without having to practice meditation techniques. You are racking your brains teaching techniques, teaching approaches while the summary is given. Just be present now… My answer: the fact is that although it is true, being present now is what really matters, we are not normally present, we need training to make it a reality, a lived reality, not just an accepted concept, but something that we really verify... that this awareness in the present moment is happening moment by moment, or at least more and more, without training, without a clearer conceptualization of the tricks that exist in our mind to deceive and make the people delude themselves, thinking they are present without being there, without even knowing what it is… yeah… it gets more difficult.

This moment

So, for example, in the retreats and courses that I give here, the essential part is the recognition of presence and for that there is a great emphasis for this recognition to actually occur. And then, yes, put into practice certain techniques so that little by little we transfer this presence that appears in the techniques to everyday moments. Did you clarify? It is not enough just to know, it is necessary to live and to live it is necessary to train, because our conditioning was the opposite.… our conditioning was to think, think and think.. Okay?

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