The search for YOUR place in the world

    We have always been instructed to seek a place in society. Choosing a profession, entering the job market, building a family, in short, following standards. The problem is the way we choose and decide our trajectory: from “good-bye, marigold”, elimination, which brings more success and/or stability, pressure from external factors such as family, and even luck. The vast majority never really asked "What I want to be?".

    Self-questioning, the curiosity to understand what is happening or what is not. Return to yourself and seek answers. It all depends on us. Professional insertion, for example, has been the nightmare of young people. Life is increasingly racing and rigid, pressing and demanding more and more from the human being, and in turn, tries to fit into the molds that society has as a prerequisite. And when he doesn't get the insertion, in this case, he gets frustrated. He gets frustrated because he doesn't understand the reason, he doesn't know why.  

    Greek mythology says that what characterizes the hero (men) is not knowing and this not knowing blinds them. This condition triggers several feelings such as anguish, fear, insecurity, low esteem and incapacity. The young person can't understand, doesn't see the e factor, or blames himself, or blames the other, and ends up giving up: "it wasn't for me", "I'm not good for that". Self-knowledge is an essential tool to outline our life planning in general. From self-questioning we can know and know more about ourselves and our choices. 

    The search for YOUR place in the world

    Another important tool is experimentation. What would we be without our experiences? Anything. Experimenting is vital. It is from our experiences that we are able to get closer to self-knowledge, discovering new aptitudes, interests, skills and competences. Important factors in our search. Fitness is what we learn from events. Skill is technical knowledge, which we know how to handle best. Competence is our knowledge transformed into actions. Interest is my taste, what I like, pleases me, is good for me. Life experiences bring us closer and closer to the ultimate goal. It is by experimenting that we can be sure whether we like something or not. If the event is in fact valid in our life.

    After all, no experience is negative. All are for our evolution. And from these discoveries, it becomes easier to perceive and see opportunities for applications – what can I do, what sector do I fit in, what do I seek. It is a facilitator when planning and tracing the trajectory of life. We need to experience and live! Only then will we know our limitations, competencies, what we really like or not, our aptitudes and abilities. And so, choose where we are going to focus our energy.

    We young people want it. And we really want to. Is fast. When we can't, it's disturbing. Especially when we invest so much in something and we can't. But what do we do to achieve our goals? What are our actions? What I can do is up to ME. Our success depends on ourselves.  

    We are constantly evolving. Self-questioning/self-knowledge and experimentation are essential for us to evolve. In this way, identify our desires, our doubts, anxieties and uncertainties. Reflecting on the scenario we are in, defining our motivators and motivations, in addition to life experiences, all this is nothing more than our evolution, which provides a better understanding of our place in the world.

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