Thermalism: water therapy

    The benefits brought by water are not only manifested when ingested, thermalism, therapy made with mineral waters that have chemical compositions ou physical or physicochemical properties, it is indicated for various health treatments

    Thermalism: water therapy

    In addition to the properties of water, the termalismo encompasses a set of treatments based on natural products taken from the source, such as vapors, gases and sludge. But it is the chemical properties that determine which disease or situation it will serve. For example:

    Sulfuric, carbonated or fluoridated waters: breathing problems.

    Bicarbonated, carbonated, chlorinated or sulphated waters: digestive system problems, gastroduodenal disorders and colon.

    Sulfated, calcium and magnesium waters: kidney and bladder problems.

    Bicarbonated, carbonated, silicate or fluoridated, sulfuric, sulphated, chlorinated and calcium waters: rheumatic and musculoskeletal problems.

    Carbonated, bicarbonated, silicated and fluoridated waters: varicose veins, hemorrhoids and hypertension problems.

    Sulfuric, bicarbonated, carbonated, silicate and fluoridated waters: dermatological problems.

    Bicarbonated, carbonated and silicate waters: problems of diabetes, dyslipidemia and gout.

    Hot sulphurous, sodic and carbonated waters: gynecological problems.

    Treatment must be recommended by a specialist., whether a physical therapist or physician specializing in medical hydrology. The duration of therapy varies according to the type of problem. But, in some cases the thermalism can present immediate visible effects, in other occasions the improvement appears in the medium term.

    It is noteworthy that the technique has more effect on the preventive action of the disease, than when it is already installed in the body. And it is recommended that, at least once a year, the patient goes to the spas.

    The therapy is contraindicated for people who have contagious diseases, infectious problems, in cases of fever, tumors and heart disease.

    Text written by Natรกlia Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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