Therapy to increase libido in men and women

Plants have gained respect and credibility in various functions over time, whether in cooking, in physical treatments and even in therapies. Some of them are used in herbal treatments to increase sexual appetite, both in women and men.

This treatment prepares the body for arousal, facilitating the process, as well as helping to heal thought patterns that negatively influence people's sexual behavior. The fact is that even so, this method must be performed in conjunction with other resources.

Although this problem affects both men and women, we know that women are the biggest victims. The effective solution to the problem is emotional, but there are some alternatives that can boost sex life. See now some plants that you can find in compounding pharmacies, in extract form, to help with male and female libido.

Tribulus Terrestris

Although the plant has a strong influence on improving sexual appetite, its use is best known for the treatment of infertility and impotence. The herb is believed to increase testosterone levels in the body, but its effects are not felt immediately, gradually working on the body's resistance and the occurrence of long-term erections.

Therapy to increase libido in men and women
Alexander Krivitskiy / Unsplash

How to use: Use should only be done when recommended by doctors or herbalists. Its consumption is made in capsules.

consumption indication: improvement in sexual performance and physical resistance is observed after 10 continuous days of consumption. It should be ingested after breakfast, as well as physical resistance.

Peruvian Maca

Also known as Peruvian Viagra, because it has similar effects on sexual desire, this plant has a turnip-like appearance. Its action is due to the presence of phytohormones, progesterone and testosterone. For women, it can increase sexual appetite and the intensity of orgasms, while in men the erection becomes stronger and longer lasting. 

Therapy to increase libido in men and women
Ava Sol / Unsplash

How to use: can be consumed in flour or capsules. It is important to drink plenty of water during consumption.

consumption indication: 2 teaspoons of flour a day. Add to juices, smoothies or fruits. In capsules: take two, 30 minutes before lunch and two more, 30 minutes before dinner.

Siberian ginseng

This plant increases male and female fertility and also helps to stabilize female hormones, helping to increase libido. Its root contains a mixture of components called eleutherosides.

Therapy to increase libido in men and women
Diana Simumpande / Unsplash

How to use: can be taken in capsule, powder or pill form. 

Indications for use: the indication is that the plant is ingested between 4 to 8 weeks, twice a day, with two tablespoons.  

Ginkgo biloba

It is considered a potent sexual stimulant as it aids vasodilation and promotes the production of nitric acid, which is needed to stimulate increased blood flow to the sexual organs. It is most used by the male public for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, but it is also indicated to increase the sexual appetite of women. 

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How to use: used in powder or capsules.

consumption indications: it is recommended to consume it before the main meals.

But watch out! Before using any of the options listed, seek guidance from your doctor, only he can indicate the best treatment for your needs.

Text written by Natรกlia Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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