The world according to philosopher Nilo Deyson

    The world according to philosopher Nilo Deyson

    The theater of life on the stage of performances, we are conditioned inventions, we are everything, we are nothing.

    The life plan of each human being presents itself and represents a little of each dejavu in an eternal return of what has already been lived in other ways with the same spaces of means in their spirits that aim at the same end or the same in terms.

    Life for me is a theater, yes; the world is a farce disguised as things, representations, colors, noises and labels. Everything is nothing but us, that is, everything is nothing but nothing. In fact, nothing is really happening, we are the ones who create our heavens and our hells. We need to fluctuate between emotion and reason, however in real nature everything is seen by the conscience that recognizes everything unimportant. This real nature of consciousness knows this, but it doesn't interfere in the fun of the park of our hallucinating fantasies. This awakened conscience knows well that under the sun everything is vanity.

    Since the beginning of humanity we find errors in the structures, in the form of representation of the truth. A simple example is to ask why do we accept that everything remains as it is? Then they will say: “We cannot change what was already done before our coming.” However, we can always question everything. We are free and the world is a mess. Until October, which was supposed to be eight, became month ten, until December, which was supposed to be month ten, is month twelve; September which was supposed to be month seven is month nine. Everything, every structure is messed up. Have you ever seen what year those who follow the dragon calendar are in? Have you noticed the calendars of people who don't use our calendar? Look what year they are in. Have you ever thought why we are in the year we are? What happened to celebrate the new year here in the West within our calendar? Where are the concrete answers about the existence of dinosaurs in relation to the end of the species and at what time and how many years later was the human being, in fact, created? Why did the other animals survive? Was there the big bang? Had God expelled Satan from the heavens, who had fallen to the Earth with a third of the “demons” stars? Anyway, we have hundreds of questions to put on the table, but reflect if really everything that presented you to the story wouldn't be a story!

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    In my view, I, Nilo Deyson Monteiro Pessanha, as a philosopher, do not find anything that can change the world, after all, the world lies in the evil one. I think we are a passing energy. We are fragile, weak and full of defects, so we are errant and need to be tamed by continuing education. We always need to learn. The world is a wonder, crap, a luxury, garbage. We human beings are complex and difficult, but we are changeable and we can improve our version as a being who thinks, reasons.

    Life, in short, is a theater of God where everything is a little funny, because when you think you're mature, it's time to go home.

    Enjoy your life, your world, your universe. Live intensely with transforming energy and actions.

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