Flowers to bloom Soul, Relationships and Life!

    I live to bloom other gardens and, without realizing it, mine is filled with roses and manacas... I live, every day, like every day. Neither the last nor the first – The One…”

    -Pablo Neruda

    They are everywhere! In the city, in squares, gardens, balconies and building facades, vases on sidewalks, trees, stores, supermarkets, restaurants, hospitals, cemeteries, offices and in our homes.

    I observe, in the walks I take, many of them resisting, courageously, without special care.

    Close to the house, there is a tire shop, whose facade is decorated with flowers planted in delicately painted tires. There are a variety of roses, primros forming an arbor, manacá da serra, maria-sem- shame.

    Flowers to bloom Soul, Relationships and Life!

    It's beautiful to see and enjoy. The plantation extends across the street, in front of the tire shop and also in a nearby flower bed. It is the most beautiful intersection in the neighborhood.

    It's a lot of affection and dedication from the tire shop owner.

    These days I thought about going there and talking to him to find out what drives him to such dedication and love for flowers.

    Flowers to bloom Soul, Relationships and Life!

    Each species with its detail, color, size, lifespan, need for more or less water, sun and shade, some edible, others suitable for teas, baths, perfumes, aromatherapy, incense, creams, herbal remedies, combined in floral arrangements bring harmony to environments and make life happy.

    Gifts in celebrations and various rituals leave messages of love and gratitude.

    Bring a language so unique, so personal, so intense and striking, reconnecting us to the essence of life, hope, peace, health and love.

    Invoke marks and memories of ancient times when our relationship with nature was more genuine, contemplative and sacred.

    In the ancestral past, some flowers were offered specifically to some Goddesses as a form of reverence and gratitude.

    Flowers to bloom Soul, Relationships and Life!

    or Amaranth for Goddess Artemis.

    the Anemone for the Goddess Myrrha.

    the Lily for the Goddesses Astarte, Juno and Lilith.

    the Iris for the Goddess Iris, Goddess of the rainbow.

    or Lotus for the Goddesses Kwan Yin, Hathor, Lakshimi and Padma.

    the pansy for the Goddesses Venus and Aphrodite.

    the Poppy for the Goddesses Demeter, Persephone, Hera, Hecate.

    o Roses and Honeysuckle for the Great Mother and her various aspects.

    the Sunflower to the Solar Goddesses.

    the Violet for the Goddesses Aphrodite and Flora.

    the Venus slipper and Princess Earring to the Goddesses of Love.

    So how about bowing yourself and life with flowers?

    Flowers to bloom Soul, Relationships and Life!

    To start, let's make some reflections:

    1. What are your favorite flowers?

    2. What does each of them mean to you?

    3. What values ​​do they bring to your life and soul?

    4. Do you cultivate the habit of having flowers at home or at work?

    5. Do you appreciate the flowers on the paths you pass? Or do you go through them?

    6. How can you blossom your heart, soul, life and relationships more?

    “Of all my past

    good and bad memories

    I want to live my present

    And remember everything later...

    In this fleeting life

    I am me, you are you

    That's what I like the most

    That's what makes me say...

    That I see flowers in you!…."

    Edgard Scandurra

    Another tip, this one I already left in another article, gift you with a monthly flower shower.

    Every month, I bathe in hibiscus with cinnamon on a full moon night to connect with the Inner Goddess of Love, Beauty and Wisdom.

    Create a simple ritual at home:

    Flowers to bloom Soul, Relationships and Life!

    In the shower or bathtub, take a bath, prepared by you, with your favorite flower, put candles in the bathroom, soft music and feel this connection with your genuine essence and the elements of Nature.

    Something simple, within your reach, for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

    Dedicate this time to you!

    Remember that you are also a special flower, that can and should be cared for with care, love and attention.

    Thus, you will bloom more and more and the relationships with your partner, family, friends, co-workers and the Universe will be more joyful and colorful, even on “rainy” and “cloudy days”.

    Happy Flowers Day, flowery and lit!

    Warm hugs, good experiences!

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