The wise woman and the way to rescue human dignity

    The wisdom that the feminine keeps in its soul is a precious jewel: the consciousness of the power to manifest itself as the sacred vessel, where a new life is fertilized and gestated. This awareness gives us, as women, the power of CREATION and the manifestation of gifts, subtle perceptions, silent communication, creativity and love.

    This power is in our BEING, in our eternal essence, which will always be connected to the Source of Love that created everything.

    The Essence connects us to fire, to alchemy, to the transmutation of forms. That's why we are able to combine foods, herbs, oils so well, because we perceive the subtle details with mastery, we are able to communicate and interact with nature, recognizing its silent language.

    This power of the FEMININE is eternal, it cannot be ripped from a woman by burning her body in a fire, as happened at the time when we were persecuted for being the bearers of sacred knowledge, of the domain of the sacred.

    We are guardians of these mysteries. Many marks, memories and traumas need to be released from our individual and collective unconscious, so that we can restore confidence in our feminine gifts and we can leave a place of revolt and fight back to a place of wisdom and empowerment, understanding that nothing and no one it will take away the power if we are genuinely connected to the Sacred Office of Being the faces of the Goddess incarnate in this now.

    The competition, the retaliation and the oppression of the distorted masculine are reproductions of the pattern that oppressed us and still oppresses us today. Through the force and power of weapons, the masculine oppresses, abuses, tortures and kills. And if we replicate such behavior, we trigger the male corrupted by the love of power and bingo! We will be dominated by lack of love, by revolt, by anger.

    By recognizing that we are spirits and that spirits are genderless, we understand that the task is even greater than healing the wounded feminine. The task goes through the balance of duality that reinforces the idea of ​​separation, introjected throughout the ages in our lives on this third dimensional Planet, whether in incarnations as male or female.

    The wise woman and the way to rescue human dignity
    Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

    But I believe that in this now, in the face of a new consciousness that expands in search of freedom, equality and fraternity among all human beings, we need to invest in healing and in the recovery of trust in the loving force of the SACRED FEMALE. We need and I believe that we are empowering ourselves with this sensitivity that is generous, that welcomes with delicacy and affection, knowing that our “supernatural” feminine nature does not weaken us, but strengthens us.

    For this was always the mystery that beings who turned their backs on the light never managed to understand: how beings supposedly fragile in their structure can maintain such firm purposes of connection with the SACRED?

    I speak for myself, for all the memories I've already rescued, for all the pain I've suffered and cried for. Rescuing the sacred feminine has been hard work, but it doesn't demand so much effort, as the soul identifies with good witchcraft, with interaction in nature, with the joy and warmth of the fire, food and dance. No matter how oppressed and frightened, the glow of that light always resisted, even if it remained behind the scenes.

    The greatest work has been the recovery of trust in the masculine that I AM, a masculine who supports, who has the impulse and courage to follow the call of the HEART and place himself in this world still so dominated by the oppressive power. This is the SACRED MALE, who was buried in the violence of the patriarchy. The love of power has distanced us from the POWER OF LOVE and the SACRED UNION in each of us.

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    May we walk in these processes of rebuilding our interior bridges towards acceptance, understanding and compassion towards our rigid and torn facets by pain, welcoming, understanding the mistakes and releasing the torturous memories, so that we can accept ourselves as imperfect humans, forgiving and reintegrating the wisdom that connects us and has always connected us to the SOURCE OF CREATIVE LOVE from which we are fruits, daughters and sons, lights reflected in this world.


    Marcia Nóra Dias – Floral Therapist – Holistic

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